Let It Go - 13 Things to Let Go of Going Into 2014

happy new year fb post

Life isn't always fair nor is it always easy. Many times in life we encounter situations that are not of our choosing. From the hurtful words of a hater, the loss of a job, a sickness in your body, a divorce you didn’t expect, to unfulfilled promises, and a litany of other experiences, life can be tough.

The key is to not allow the negative experiences you have encountered to make you bitter, but rather, motivate you to become better. The tendency of most people is to allow the circumstances of their lives dictate their feelings, thoughts, words, and actions. It is easy to have a pity party when things fall apart in your life. However, as I heard Joyce Meyer say, “You can’t be pitiful and powerful at the same time.”
When life deals you a bad hand you must determine to not let it get the best of you, steal your dreams, or break your focus.

Scripture teaches us that God is able to take what is meant for your harm and turn it into your advantage. What you view as a disadvantage in your life, God can turn into an asset. He can take what the enemy means to destroy you and turn it into what promotes you. As so many others have said, “God will turn your test into a testimony and your messes into a message, and your setbacks into a comeback,” if you refuse to quit!

As Dr Dave Martin so aptly says, God wants “The rest of your life to be the best of your life!” He desires for you to overcome the obstacles in your path, to accomplish what you have been created to accomplish, to be healed and healthy in your body, to have all your needs supplied and have an abundance so you can be a blessing to others, for your relationships to be strong, and for you to fulfill your purpose in life. In other words, God wants you to win in all areas of your life.

In order to walk in the best God has for you in 2014 you must let go of all the things that make you stop. You must let go of the baggage from your past that is weighing you down and keeping you from the best life God has for you. No wonder the writer of Hebrews penned these words, “Seeing we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” There are some things you don’t overcome; you simply have to let them go!

For 2014 to be the best year we have ever had, we must:

1. Let go of the need to always be right, because it is impossible to always be right!

2. Let go of your need to be in total control of everything and everyone around you.

3. Let go of playing the blame game, take responsibility for your actions.

4. Let go of negative self-talk, quit beating yourself up mentally.

5. Let go of up your limiting beliefs; the beliefs that are holding you back.

6. Let go of complaining, it doesn't change anything, and no one wants to hear it!

7. Let go of trying to impress everyone around you.

8. Let go of trying to live up to the expectations of others in order to feel acceptance.

9. Let go of your fear of and resistance of change; change is inevitable.

10. Let go of your fears: fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of success, fear of what others think about you, etc...

11. Let go of your past mistakes and failures, learn from them, don't repeat them, move on.

12. Let go of past hurts, what others have said or done to you that offended you.

13 Let go of your excuses, nobody believes them, not even you!

Happy New Year!

Love Is An Act

God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 
(Romans 5:8)

Everywhere you go you hear people talking about love.  You hear about it in songs, see it on greeting cards, and from people you encounter.  Unfortunately, most people have the idea that love is a feeling or a sentiment.  Certainly, you've heard people use such terms as "falling in love, or falling out of love,” which gives an indication of their feelings.

While love may involve feelings or sentiments, in reality love is neither of these; love is an "act."  It's easy to say "I love you" but it's much harder to demonstrate it through our actions.  As the old adage goes, "Actions speak louder than words."  I like it when someone tells me they love me but I am really moved when they demonstrate their love for me through their actions.

The message of Christmas is the greatest demonstration of love the world has ever known.  God didn't just say to the world, “I love you", He demonstrated it through sending Jesus to pay the price for our sins and to give us a new life.  Notice the scripture I shared at the beginning of this post, "God demonstrate His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) 

Action step:  During this Christmas season, let love be more than mere words, instead demonstrate your love through your actions.  Find a way you can demonstrate your love, as well as God's love, to others.  It might be buying presents for those less fortunate than you, buying groceries for a needy family, paying someone's utilities, or anything else. The point is, be a person that demonstrates their love through what do not just what they say!

Merry Christmas

photo credit: elod beregszaszi via photopin cc

Seize the Day - Living With No Regrets

seize the day

Imagine living a life without regrets. Sounds good doesn't it?

We all have done or said things that we regret. Unfortunately, for many people regret is a way of life.

I heard Author/Teacher, Brendon Buchard, share a story of a time when he almost died in a car accident and how out of that experience he developed three questions that he now asks himself every night before he goes to bed. They are: Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?

These are great questions that at some point in our life we must answer. Rather than waiting until the end of our lives to ask these questions, why not start asking ourselves these questions everyday?

I read an article recently about the regrets people have at the end of their lives (something we will all face). It was most enlightening and gave me much to think about.

They were such things as:
Not living the their own life instead of following the pack (peer and societal pressure).
Not discovering their purpose earlier in life.
Not taking more risks for the results they desired.
Not taking better care of themselves.
Not loving others the way they should be loved.
Not touching more lives and inspiring others.
Not being a better partner or parent.
Interestingly, none of the regrets people have when facing their mortality have anything to do with making more money, working more hours, or having more things, which unfortunately is what most people focus on during their lifetimes.

It is so easy to get caught up in making a living, impressing others, fitting in, having all the latest gadgets and gizmos, that we never truly live the life we were created to live. Whether we want to admit it or not, we were created to live a life of purpose, where we use our passions, talents, gifts, strengths, dreams, and skills, to make a positive difference in our world and the lives of others we come in contact with.

So how do we go about living a life of no regrets?
1. Take risks. Go for the dream in your heart. Taking risks involve dong something. Do everything in your power, trusting God to assist you, to see the dreams He has given you become a reality. Remember, there are no rewards or results without risk.
2. Don't be afraid of failure. Failure is not a bad thing. Every great accomplishment resulted from much trial and error. Just ask Edison. He did thousands of experiments before he discovered the filament for the light bulb. His view of all his failed attempts was that he had simply found thousands of things that didn't work.
3. Know yourself. What is the one BIG thing you feel compelled to accomplish? What do you feel assigned to do? What problem do you see that you feel you can solve? The answers to these questions are indicators of the purpose God created you to fulfill.
4. Be who God made you to be. Don't compromise your values and dreams by trying to fit in with the in-crowd. Your fulfillment in life comes from being and doing what you are created for. Others will try to force you into the life they think or want you to live, if you allow them to. You don't have to live the dream someone else has for you, you have what it takes to be who you were made to be!
5. Start today taking better care of your health. Learn to eat right, get enough exercise, rest and recharge, let the stresses of life go, break addictions that are detrimental to your health; all of which are important if you are going to live a healthy life.
6. Be an encourager of others. Touch and inspire others with your words and your actions. Life though that are down. Inspire others to live on purpose.
7. Determine to be a better partner and parent. This requires work and discipline, but in the end it is worth it! Love more. Give more. Here's a key that has helped me immensely, treat your spouse or children the way you want to be treated.
As it has been said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." How are you going to live it?

Someone once said to me, "Live each day so you will have no regrets tomorrow." That is a great philophy and principle to live by.

Do something today - SEIZE THE DAY - that will be meaningful and beneficial to the world around you and to those that really matter in your life!

When Prayer Isn't Enough

Let me say from the start, I BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF PRAYER.  Perhaps you’ve heard it said, “Prayer changes things and people too.”  This is a true statement.  I have seen the power of prayer manifested in my life too many times to count.  I have seen miracles, signs, and wonders, in my own life, as a result of prayer.

The Bible is full of instructions as to the power of prayer.  We are taught to pray in faith, pray without ceasing, pray in the Name of Jesus, pray in the Spirit, pray about everything (all our decisions, all our actions, all our plans, etc..), pray for one another, and pray with humility.  Prayer is, in my estimation, is the primary key to living the abundant life for the follower of Jesus.

While I fully appreciate and practice the power of prayer, there are times when prayer alone isn’t enough.  If you spend all your time praying without acting on the word of God you will never see the fullness of all God has for you in life. 

I believe you should pray, act on the word, and pray while you are acting on the word.  Scripture teaches, “Faith without works is dead being alone.”  In other words, prayer without action is not enough.  We are to be doer’s of the word and not hearers only.  Action is putting legs to our prayers.

We will never experience all God has promised in His word if we don’t act.  One thing I have always found interesting is that almost all the promises recorded in the Bible are accompanied with an action step.  It’s kind of like, you do your part and God will do His part.  Our actions are signs of our faith and obedience to God’s instructions for our lives.

I have met many people in my life that spend vast amounts of time praying yet they never see the fullness of all God has promised because they never accompany their prayers with actions.  You can pray until you are blue in the face, but if you don’t act on the word you will never see the results you could see.

Jesus is a prime example of this.  He didn’t just pray, He acted.  Think about the feeding of the 5,000 as recorded in Matthew chapter 14.  Scripture teaches us He took a young boys lunch, blessed it (prayed) and then began to break it.  As He did it began to multiply and as he continued to break it, it multiplied, so there was enough to feed every one present with 12 baskets full left over.  If prayer was enough, in this case, Jesus would have simply prayed and it would have multiplied on its own.  But it wasn’t.  It was as He added the action of breaking the bread, to his prayer that the loaves and fishes were multiplied.

I don’t know what it is you are praying and believing for, but my question for you today is, “Are you adding action to your prayers?”  Is there something you know you should be doing but aren’t?  What instruction or principle in the Bible could you act on that would demonstrate your faith in what God has promised?

Here’s a recent example of what I am talking about.  My wife, Holly, and myself, desired to do something special for people less fortunate than us on Thanksgiving Day.  Our older children had several friends that didn’t have any place to go for Thanksgiving Day.  Our desire was to invite them to our house and throw a BIG Thanksgiving feast for them.  The only problem was we didn’t have the resources to do it.  Holly prayed about it and then she went to work doing something about it.  She shared her desire with some friends, and on Facebook, and the next thing you know people began to contact us and share their desire to be a part of it.  Before long, we had enough food to feed around 12 young people with enough leftover’ to make up 10 extra plates that Holly, Chelsea and Diana took and found some homeless people that hadn’t had a Thanksgiving meal, and fed them.  I am convinced that if we had simply prayed for the young people that had no place to go, and the homeless people that had no food to eat, nothing would have happened.  But our prayers, accompanied by action, allowed us to have everything we needed to meet the needs of these people.

Today I want to challenge fellow believers to not just pray about their situations, but rather ask God what they are supposed to do, and then do it.  Couple action with your prayers and you will be amazed at what happens. 


G Samuel Verret 

Faith That Overcomes

Devin1 John 5:4 “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

Our world is filled with difficulties. All you have to do is look around you for a moment to know this is true. As believers this should not catch us by surprise. Jesus warned us of times like these. In fact He said, “These things have I spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

The word tribulation means trouble or difficulty. While the world is in a mess, economically, socially, politically, and morally, as believers we have the promise that through Jesus, and the finished work of the cross, we have the power to overcome the difficulties and troubles that come our way in the world.

The above scripture teaches that if we have been born again we overcome the world. If you have made Jesus the Lord of your life, according to this verse, you are a world overcomer! That’s how God sees you. He doesn’t see you as overcome, barely getting by, or about to go under. No, He sees you as overcoming.

This is why it is so important to renew your mind to God’s opinion of you and not the opinion of others or even your own opinion of yourself. According to Romans 12:2, transformation or change can only take place as you reject the wrong opinions (what we call facts) and replace them with God’s opinions (the truth). Jesus said, “You shall know the truth (NOT THE FACTS) and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) One of the things I have learned in my walk with God is regardless of what the facts are they are always overcome or trumped by truth.

For instance, when my son was diagnosed with cancer, the cancer was a fact. It was real. All the medical evidence bore out the fact that cancer was working in his body. However, the word of God says, “By whose stripes you were healed. “ (1 Peter 2:24) Now that is truth. Truth is what God says. John 10:10 declares, “Thy word oh Lord is truth. As believers, we chose to believe the truth about the situation and not the facts. While we didn’t deny the reality of the problem, we did deny the finality of it! As a result of believing the truth instead of the facts we saw a miracle of healing in Devin’s body. We overcame the situation by faith in the finished work of the cross!

Now, it is important to understand that faith does not insulate the believer from trouble. Just because you are a child of God does not mean you aren’t going to have any trouble or difficulties in life. Just read the Bible and you find that many great men and women of God faced great difficulties in life. Scripture teaches, “It rains on the just and the unjust alike.”

While faith does not insulate us from trouble it does give us the ability to overcome the trouble. Our theme scripture today says, “This is the victory that overcomes the world – our faith!”

My challenge to you today is that you will get your eyes off of the problems you are facing and onto the solution to them found in God’s word. Get your attention off of the facts of your situation and on to the truth of God’s promises concerning the difficulties you are facing. Remember, through faith, you are a world overcomer!

The Turnaround Specialist

uturnAs a kid growing up in a Pastor’s home we moved around quite a bit. It seemed like every few years we were moving to a new place. Changing schools. Making new friends. Getting to know a new area. While it was always an adventure, at times it was very difficult because I would just get familiar with our new locale and have made some new friends, and then we would move again. I was often envious of other kids that had “roots.” That grew up their entire lives in one place with life-long friends and relationships.

As a young man I didn’t always understand why we had to move so much. However, as I reflect back on those times, and the reason behind all the moves, I have come to understand why we moved so much. You see, my father, Elisha Verret, was a “turnaround specialist.” He would be called in to take churches that were in trouble with declining membership, a building in need of repair, congregations that were split down the middle, and financial difficulties.

My father had the God-given ability and anointing to take troubled churches and turn them around. Though it’s been many years now, I can still remember most of the churches my dad was called to pastor. I remember the struggles, the long hours of hard work, and the times I heard my father in his study weeping before the Lord as he prayed for the people in the church and for wisdom to do what he had been called in to do. But more than anything, I remember the victories; the numerical growth in membership, the remodeled or newly built buildings, and a better financial situation than when we arrived. I remember the turnarounds that occurred not only in the church corporately but also in the lives of individuals.

Looking back I wouldn’t trade those days for anything in the world.

While, in my estimation, my dad was a great “turnaround specialist,” there is another “turnaround specialist” that I really want to focus on. His name is Jesus Christ!

When you read about the life and ministry of Jesus, you find story after story of lives that were turned around because of His ministry, His love, His touch, and His caring for the needs of others. You read about the prostitutes, tax collectors, lepers, lame, blind, deaf, demon-possessed, and religious people whose lives were totally changed and transformed because of this man Jesus! People who were outcast, hopeless, helpless, rejected, beat up, beat down; people whose lives were ravaged by life, by others, and by sin that were forever changed because of their encounter with the greatest “turnaround specialist” of all time. Jesus always left people better than they were before He found them!

The good news is that this Jesus “is the same yesterday, today, and forever!” He has never changed. His power has not diminished with time. His love, compassion, and grace have never (and never will) come to an end. His mission and purpose has never deviated from what it was when He walked in shoe leather on this earth. He is still in the business (if I can use that term) of “seeking and saving that which is lost.” He is still all about radically changing the lives and the circumstances of those who come in contact with him.

I don’t know what you are going through today. Maybe it’s a sickness, a financial problem, an addiction you can’t seem to break. Maybe you are suffering from years of abuse, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Perhaps you have been rejected by your family, your friends, you loved ones, or people whom you have trusted. You may be lost when it comes to your purpose, your reason for existence. Maybe you have given up on life, lost hope, feel helpless, and are of the opinion “what’s the use.” Or maybe it’s something I haven’t listed here. Regardless of what it is Jesus wants you to know that He can turn your life around.

Regardless of what you have done, what you have experienced, who you’ve become, or what you are going through at this very moment, there is hope. There is a way out. Your life can turnaround. Things don’t have to stay the way they are. You don’t have to be bound to a life of sorrow, regret, pain, rejection, or hopelessness. No, there is a way out. I believe today, that God desires to turn your pain into power for His purpose. He desires to change your life from the inside out. He desires to undo the mess of your life and make it a message of hope to others going through what you’ve been through.

You see, God loves you not because of what you do or don’t do; He loves you because you are you. He created you. You are the apple of His eye. You mean the world to Him. Unlike others you have come in contact with, He doesn’t see you for who you’ve become or what you’ve done, He sees you for who you can and will become through His power in your life. He sees the finished product not just the work in progress!

I write this today because in my own life I know this to be true. I have personally experienced the work of the “turnaround specialist” in many areas of my life. I have seen God heal my body when the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I have seen God deliver me from things that had me bound from which I was unable to free myself from. I have seen God meet financial needs when there didn’t appear to be any way out of the difficulty I found myself in. I have seen God heal my broken heart from rejection, betrayal, and divorce. I have seen God restore the ministry He called me to as a young child, even though many had written me off as finished. (I could go on and on.)

Understand today, “God is no respecter of persons.” He doesn’t love or esteem one more than another. God doesn’t have favorites. His love for all man is unmerited. There is nothing you can do to earn his grace or favor. It is offered to ALL unconditionally. What God has done for one He will do for you. He desires to “show Himself strong” in your behalf. God desires to give you the “turnaround” you so desperately desire. And, He will, if you will come to Him and ask Him for it. If you will accept His grace and allow His power to begin to operate in your life.

Today is a great day! Why? Because today is the day when the greatest “turnaround specialist” of all times is going to begin to turn your life around for your good and His glory!

What Matters Most – Part One


Today I start a series of blogs to help you determine what really matters most in life. 

A few days ago, our adopted son, Eli, posted something on his Facebook page a few days ago that really got Holly and my attention. He said, “I miss what matters most.”

That got me thinking about life and what really matters most. In other words what is really most important in your life?

There are many things that seem to be important but when you step away from them and analyze them they really aren’t what matters most in life.

In our day we are inundated on a daily basis with advertisements and commercials of products that someone has determined we need and can’t live without. Many times without even thinking we plop down our hard earned money for things advertisers tell us will make our life better. In most cases the only ones whose lives are better off because of these products, are the ones that are doing the selling, because of the profits they made at our expense.

Most of the things we think we must to have in order to live a fulfilling life can be done without.

There are things that matter much more than a new car, a large house, the latest computer or smart phone. While these things may be nice to have, when it’s all said and done does it really matter what kind of car you drive, computer you use, or smart phone you possess?

Jesus made a powerful statement one day. He said, “A man’s life does not consist of the abundance of things which he possesses.” Some of the most miserable people you will ever meet have all kinds of stuff, but when it comes down to possessing what matters most they don’t. Howard Hughes had everything anyone would ever desire, yet he lived the last years of his life as a recluse, and died an unhappy man.

A big part of success in life is our ability to differentiate between what is really important and what isn’t. Every day we are faced with many situations and circumstances screaming for our attention. We are faced with choices of things that demand our responding or not responding.

In order to determine what matters most to us, and what we give our attention to, we need to ask ourselves some questions.

  • Does this matter in terms of my values and my goals?
  • Is it worth my time and effort to deal with what I’m presented with?
  • Does this lead me closer to living my purpose or further from it?
  • Could it be that this is a distraction from what matters most in my life?

Asking yourself these questions, and being honest in your answers to them, gives you clarity and helps you avoid the things that get you off track from what matters most in your life.

As believers, our priorities - what matters most to us – are many times at odds with the way the rest of the world thinks. Living for the moment, life is a party, doing the minimal, instant gratification, you only live once, get all you can, are all catch phrases of our society. In their search for happiness and fulfillment they seek after and pursue things that in the end to not produce true happiness and fulfillment because they really don’t matter most to living a fulfilled life.

Over the next few blogs, I will be sharing my thoughts as to what I have personally discovered to matter most in life. Things such as

  1. Your relationship with God
  2. Your relationship with your spouse
  3. Your relationship with your family
  4. Your thought life
  5. Your habits
  6. Your divine design
  7. Your dream and vision
  8. Your career
  9. Your health
  10. Your finances

In my next blog I will be sharing more about what matters most in life, especially when it comes to our relationship with God.

Someday I’ll…

Years ago, I heard author/speaker Denis Waitly say something I have never forgotten. He said most people live on a fantasy island called, “Someday I’ll.”

Someday I’ll…

  • Pursue the dreams in my heart.
  • Find my purpose and live it.
  • Set goals and do what it takes to reach them.
  • Write that book I’ve been thinking about for a long time.
  • Start the business I’ve dreamed of starting.
  • Get married and start a family.
  • Start an exercise program and get healthy.
  • You finish the sentence, Someday I’ll_____________________________________
Sadly, most people will never realize the fulfillment of their dream, or live the life they were created to live, not now, not ever.

Why? Because they are waiting for the perfect timing, the right circumstances, someone to give them a break, or the assurance they will never fail.

I am reminded of the scripture that says, “He that observes the wind shall not sow; and he that regards the clouds shall not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4) There is no such thing as the perfect time or the right circumstances. If you are going to live your purpose and see your dreams become a reality you have to get started regardless of the time or circumstances.

Well, I have exciting yet sobering news for you, someday doesn’t exist. Yesterday’s someday has become today. Today is the day you can make the decision to follow the dream in your heart; God’s plan and purpose for your life!

If you are going to experience God’s best for your life, if you are going to live your purpose, if you are going to make a difference in the world around you, then you are going to have to leave “Someday I’ll” and do something today.

The greatest thief of time is procrastination. Putting off till tomorrow what needs to be done today has become the biggest hindrance to success and accomplishment for most people.
My challenge for you today is to get off of “Someday I’ll” and begin right now to live the life God has for you to live. Make the decision to start right now doing something that moves you toward your goals and aspirations.

Today is your day to start living the life God intends for you to live. No more excuses. No more putting it off till later. No more allowing fear to stop you in your tracks. As the old adage goes, “Today is first day of the rest of your life.” Make it count.

Share your comments below.  What have you been putting off till later, and why?

The Power of a Dream

The world belongs to the dreamer. Everything that has ever been created or developed started as a dream or idea in somebody’s mind. All of the technological progress that we have experienced started as a dream.
You will never be successful if you don’t have a dream. 

Dreams are the foundation for personal success. A dream is a mental picture that you have of something that you would like to see accomplished. It is a true definition of faith. Hebrews 11:1 declares, “Faith is the subject of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” In other words, it is the inner image of the finished product. It is seeing things as they can be instead of as they currently are.

Seven things about dreams:

  1. Dreams give you purpose. Life is meaningless without purpose. In order to be fulfilled in life you must have a purpose or reason for being. Your purpose in life is found in the dream of what you want to accomplish.
  2.  Dreams give you direction. They help set the right goals and set you the right priorities. They give you something to aim at. Dreams help you do what you were created to do.
  3. Dreams help you focus. Through having a dream you are able to fully concentrate on what needs to be accomplished. We are all faced with many things in life that can distract or deter us from what we were created for. Dreams help us to not be distracted.
  4.  Dreams motivate and inspire you. They are what give you a passion for life. When you truly have a God-given dream you think about it all the time. It fills every waking and sleeping moment. You become obsessed with it. It encompasses everything that you do. You eat it, sleep it, drink it, talk about it, study it, read about it and pray about it. It is what gets you up in the morning. It is something you can’t wait to get up and pursue.
  5.  Dreams keep you going inspire of adversity. When you have a God-given dream it doesn’t matter what opposition comes your way, it can’t stop you. Adversity cannot slow you down, deter you or keep you back, when you have a dream. It doesn’t matter what comes your way, lack of finances, health problems, interpersonal relationship problems, a dream gives you a reason not to quit or give up. A dream will cause you to be persistent. “Quitters never win and winners never quit.”
  6. Dreams are the seed to your future. What you dream about today determines where you will be tomorrow. The key to your future is found in the dream you have today. Instead of accepting life as it now is, get a dream of where you want to be and what you want to do.
  7. Dreams must be acted on. I saw a sign not long ago that said, “Don’t just dream it. Do it!” Dreams can produce powerful results, but only if acted upon. At some point in order to accomplish great things, you must put legs on your dreams. They can only be effective if acted on. I like to say, “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!”
What is your dream?  What are you going to do about it?

How To Be More Productive


There is nothing more exciting or fulfilling them accomplishment. You were made for productivity. If you are not been productive, you can be. If you’re productive, you can be more productive.
Paul Meyer said, “Productivity is never an accident.  It is always the result of a commitment to excellence intelligent planning, and focused effort.”

The following keys will help you be more productive:

Be informed.
Knowledge is power. In order be more productive you must know what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and how it needs to be done. Skills must be learned that will assist you in doing things in a more productive manner. Attend seminars, read books dealing with your particular project, ask questions of others that have accomplish similar tasks to what you want to accomplish.

Get specialized training.
This goes hand-in-hand with point one, be informed. In order to be more productive, proper training is essential. Take courses that will help you develop your skills. Find a mentor or personal coach that can train you to be more productive. Work hard practicing the skills you develop.

Set goals.
Goals are essential to productivity. They keep you on track and give you something to focus on. The goals you set must be realistic, inspiring, and obtainable. The goals keep you moving in the right direction. Someone has said, "a goal is a dream with a deadline on." Your goals should stretch you. They should get you out of your comfort zone. They should push you to excellence.

Make plans.
Planning your work is also essential to being more productive. Great achievers not only plan their work; they also work their plans. A plan is simply a road have to guide you on the road to productivity. You can improve your planning skills by asking yourself to following questions when planning a project or task: What? Why? Who? Where? And how?

Do it!
While information, training, goals, and plans are essential to being more productive, they are futile without action. Great things are not accomplished by talking about them; they are accomplished by doing something about them. Someone has said, "Actions speak louder than words." Nothing could be truer. You will never be a person of productivity, unto you become a person of action.

Be aware.
To be more productive you must be aware of the things that rob you of productivity. Although there are many "productivity thieves," perhaps the following list will help you to be more aware of what can steal your accomplishment. Procrastination, lack of planning, lack of effort, negative associations, just to name a few.

Follow through with persistence.
In order be more productive, you must be persistent. Remember the saying you learned what you were a kid "quitters never win, and letters never quit." Well it's still true today. Great achievers have learned to never quit, regardless of the adversity. By never giving up on your ideas, goals, and plans, you will enjoy a life of greater productivity.

7 Keys to a Healthy Relationship With Your Spouse

coupleIn the book “Yes You Can” by Sam Deep and Lyle Sussman, “like in the organic system, a human relationship is subject to entropy—meaning that it is always in a state of decay.” In order for relationships to grow and flourish hard work is required.

All relationships suffer from this malady if given time. However, there are things you can do, principles you can live by, that will help insure that relationships do not die needlessly. Like a beautiful garden, it is possible, through proper cultivation, to develop loving, lasting relationships.

It is important to remember that all of life is about relationships. Your emotional stability, self worth, spirituality, security, and personal success are all dependent on how you relate to those around you.

You cannot live in isolation all your life. It was never God’s intention for you to be totally autonomous. In fact scripture is plain on this matter. In Genesis 2:18, God said us “it is not good for man to dwell alone.” The Apostle Paul teaches us in Romans “that no man is an island.” In other words, God desires for us to be in healthy, growing relationships.

The following principles will aid you in the cultivation of your relationships:

Make the decision to build a loving, lasting relationship All of life is centered around the choices you make. It is imperative that you make the conscious decision to cultivate your relationships. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Get rid of the idea that the feelings you have now about your partner will always be the same. Understand that if you’re going to make your relationships work, you’re appointed have to put a great deal of time and effort into them.


Communication involves much more than what you say. It also involves your ability to listen to what your partner is saying. It involves the ability to empathize with what they are feeling. Communication is about much more than proving a point or winning an argument. In order for your relationship to grow you must seek a common ground of understanding and agreement.

Pray together

This may sound trite or even elementary, but it is highly important. No truer words were ever spoken than “the family that prays together, stays together.” There is something about developing intimacy with God that helps to build intimacy with your partner. It is easier for your “horizontal” relationships to be right, when your “vertical” relationship is right. Pray for God to bless your partner with health, peace, provision, and favor on a daily basis. Try it and see what happens.

Learn to relax

It is a good thing to learn not to “select a small stuff!” Don’t get been out of shape about every flaw or shortcoming that your partner has. Remember, they probably see yours also. Constantly pointing them out, griping, or complaining about them, only adds fuel to the fire. The Bible says, “it is the little foxes that spoil the vine.” Takes a few deep breaths. Step back and ask yourself, “is it worth destroying this relationship because of the small stuff?”

Be quick to forgive

Scripture says that we are not to let the sun go down on your wrath. Everyone does things that upset, offend, or even hurt their partner. No one is immune to this. People in loving, lasting relationships, are those who learn to forgive their partners when they make a mistake. To have a winning relationship, be quick to apologize when you do something to hurt your partner, and quick to forgive repair

Give appreciated gifts

Everyone loves to receive special gifts from their partners. There is nothing like receiving an unexpected dozen roses, or a cute romantic card from your partner. Surprise your partner with something out of the ordinary. It doesn’t have to be something expensive, it could be something you may. The point is when you give your partner cars, give us or even ton, you are saying they are valuable to you. The golden rules that is, “doing to others, a she would have others do unto you.”

Seek to really know and understand your partner

It is amazing in marriages how much you think you know about your partner, when you first marry them. After years of being married many people have awakened to realize they don’t really know the person they are married to. Why? Is it that the person has changed so much? Usually it’s because we don’t spend enough intimate to time with our partners, getting to know them. Seek to understand their dreams, their desires, their aspirations, their needs, and their wants. If you put forth a little effort in this regard you’ll be amazed what you learn. The Bible says, “to dwell with your wife with knowledge.”

Yes, you can enjoy winning relationships. Quick whining about your relationships and start winning, by doing your part to make it work. Keep the faith. Believe for the best. Be patient, and you will begin to see the fruit of your efforts!

Inch By Inch

tape measureSuccess in Increments

The old adage, “inch by inch anything is a cinch,” still rings true today. As much as we dislike it most success comes in small pieces. Seldom do we experience “overnight success.” Most get rich quick schemes are nothing more than scams designed by con artists to get our money.

These schemes would never be successful if people weren’t always trying to achieve great success instantly. Our society is caught up with instant gratification. If we can’t have something right now, we don’t want it. This desire for instant gratification is one of the major causes of debt in our world today.

There actually is no such thing as an overnight success. People who have head this label attached to them many times worked for years developing their skills and talents.

Tom Lehman who has became one of the top golfers in the world is one such person. Although his rise to stardom on the PGA tour seems to have come fast, Tom actually struggled for years on the seemingly endless trail of mini-tour events worldwide. His success today is the result of years of lessons, practice, and patience.

One-man who was called and overnight success said, “I might be and overnight success, but it sure was the longest night I’ve ever known!”

Perhaps you have heard it said that, “the longest journey begins with a single step.” Regardless of what you are desiring to accomplish, if you don’t get started you’ll never get where you’re going.

Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, started with one store in Batesville Arkansas. After years of hard work and his refusal to adhere to the advice of his detractors, he developed a network of stores that cover the majority of the United States and many countries around the world. His vision, hard work, and patience, eventually caused them to become the wealthiest man in America. This success came incrementally, one store at a time.

The children of Israel were told that they were to drive out the inhabitants of the promised land little by little, lest it be overrun with wild beasts. In God’s scheme of things victory is experienced a little at a time. Jesus said in John 8:32 “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Notice he didn’t say it would make you free, which would denote an instant and complete freedom. Rather He said “it will make you free,” which denotes an ongoing, day by day freedom. In other words freedom comes in increments.

The following principles will help to guide you to success over the long haul:

Clear Cut Vision 

Know exactly where you’re going and what you intend to accomplish. Write it down. Having a written vision helps to motivate you and keep you on track. Your vision in life is what gives you purpose. Without purpose you just meander through life never really accomplishing anything more than taking up space.

Have a plan
No coach would take his team out to play game without a game plan. No contractor would think about building a skyscraper without a set of blueprints. You see a step-by-step plan is essential to getting anything done. Some people think others that are successful are so because they are lucky. Denis Waitly defines luck as “Laboring Under Correct Knowledge.”

Get busy
Once you have written your vision and developed a plan for attaining it, then you have to get busy. As the great NIKE ad says “Just Do It.” A vision and a plan are important, but they are worthless if you don’t put them into action. A lot of people are great dreamers but they are lousy doer’s.

Stay focused

To focus is to concentrate on the task at hand. It is to concentrate on the desired result. As a teenager I had the opportunity to work on a farm one summer with my grandmother and her husband. One day I helped plow the fields. I quickly learned that if you were going to plow a straight line you had to pick and object on the horizon and focus on it until you reached it. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted by other things. One major reason why people with good intentions never follow through is because they allow themselves to become distracted.

Practice patience
Patience s not putting up with something but rather it the is constancy. It is the ability to stay with a project until it is finished. It is not quitting in spite of the obstacles or adversity. The primary reason people quit is because they are not seeing the results they want to see. Remember success is incremental. It doesn’t happen overnight. Grossly

You Have to be Tough


“Tough times never last, but tough people do!” (Robert Schuller)

Life isn’t always easy. At times it can be extremely difficult.
Health problems, financial problems, family problems, relationship problems, marriage problems, can all present incredible challenges. They challenge our resolve, our attitudes, and our future.  Your toughness determines whether you overcome the challenges or the challenges overcome you.
Jesus wrote, “In this world you shall have tribulation.” Job said, “Mans days are short and full of trouble.” While it is true that life can be tough and full of difficulties and trouble, it is also true that things don’t have to stay that way. There is always a way out of the difficulties you face in life. Listen to what David said, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”
Just because trouble comes doe’s not mean that we have to allow ourselves to be destroyed by them. While the Bible is full of passages that warn of trouble it is also full of admonitions for overcoming them.
Just like building up your muscles, if you are going to be mentally, spiritually, and emotionally tough, you must put in the time, work, and effort to do so.  You must make up your mind that you are going to be tougher than the challenges that come your way.  You must believe that you can overcome and outlast any challenge that comes your way.
The following principles will help you victoriously overcome life’s difficulties.
  • Have faith. Believe that things can and will change. Expect God to do what He promises in His word. Believe in healing, deliverance, provision and protection.
  • Renew your mind. Change the way you think. Get rid of negative thinking. Refuse to think thoughts of doubt, unbelief, and destruction. Fill your mind with the promises of God’s word.
  • Watch your mouth. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. What you speak in life is what you can expect to have. This is a spiritual principle that cannot be nullified. Paul wrote, “confession is made unto salvation.” Begin to speak what you intend to see, not what now is. It is a true statement confession leads to possession.
  • Positive actions. Choose to do your part to change the way things are. Become a doer not just a hearer of the word of God. The prophet Jeremiah said, “if you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land.”
  • Surround yourself with winners. Your associations are important to hanging tough. Don’t run with gloom and doom thinkers. The last thing you need when facing tough times is to be around people that are down and out. By running with winners, in tough times, they will encourage you to keep on keeping on.
  • See the end result. In order to hang tough in trying times, you must be able by faith to see beyond what now is to what can be. Faith sees beyond the present circumstances.
  • Don’t stop. Quit should be a word that you remove from your vocabulary. “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” The race isn’t to the first off the line, or even to the fastest runner, it is to the one who endures to the end.

Lessons I’ve Learned from Adversity

rocky-balboaNo one likes adversity, but there is no escaping it. Life is filled with difficulties, challenges, and obstacles. We all encounter things that set us back and try to impede our forward progress.
The road to success is filled with adversity. Things happen that if allowed to could break our focus and in some cases tempt us to give up on our God-given dreams. Jesus taught, “In this world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.” Trying to escape adversity is a futile effort. You can’t.
Someone once said, “What doesn’t break you makes you stronger.” While adversity can be painful, there are many positive things that come out of it if you look for them. My father called this “Looking for the silver lining behind the darkest clouds.”
The fact is you see what you look for in life. It’s all a matter of perspective. Stand fast in the middle of adversity. You will make it through. David wrote, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.
Lessons I’ve learned from adversity:
1. Adversity reveals your resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from what knocks you down. It is the ability to get up and try again. One of the things I used to enjoy about championship boxing matches was seeing the resilience of a fighter that appeared to be down and out. To watch them draw of their inner strength and get back up and keep fighting and ultimately win the fight.
2. Adversity causes you to grow. We experience new levels of maturity and growth when we face adversity. Adversity causes you to stretch yourself, spiritually, mentally, and physically.
3. Adversity causes you to challenge your perspective of your performance. Someone once said, “If what you are doing isn’t working, change what you are doing.” There is nothing like the self-examination of your actions that takes place when you are facing adversity.
4. Adversity shows you inner strength you didn’t realize you possessed. When you are going through tough times you learn just how strong you really are. The Apostle Paul wrote, “When I am weak, then am I strong.” He goes on to say, “In my weakness, God’s strength is perfected in me.” When I am going through difficult times I know God’s strength is released in my life. In other words I begin to see how much stronger I am than I thought I was. Why? Because I see that I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
5. Adversity opens new doors of opportunity. Many great ideas and programs have been birthed because of the adversity someone has gone through. A prime example is MADD. The mother that started MADD did so after the death of her daughter due to someone driving drunk. Untold numbers of lives have been saved because of the actions of one woman. Her adversity birthed an opportunity that has impacted our society. Look for the opportunities hidden in your adversity.
6. Adversity can motivate you to positive action. It causes you to look for new ways of doing things. It inspires you to move towards your goals. How does this work? When you understand that life is full of adversity, and that everyone who has done great things faced it as well, then you are motivated to preserve and not give up.
7. Adversity reveals the faithfulness of God in your life. The Bible has much to say about God’s faithfulness to us during times of adversity. Notice what Isaiah said about God’s faithfulness. “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43:2) Jesus said, “Lo I am with you always even to the ends of the earth.” (Matthew 28:20) If God is with you in times of adversity then you can have the confidence that you are going to make it and in time things will turn around for you. You can be assured, better days are ahead!

Be a Person of Value

Albert Einstein wrote, “Try not to become a man of success, rather try to become a person of value.” In our society many are selling themselves short simply by trying to succeed at any cost. While success is the by-product of vision, goal-setting, planning, action and determination, it should not be your ultimate goal. You must not get caught up in the web of trying to be a success so others will think you are great.

Jesus said, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?” Your soul is your mind, your will and your emotions. I have met countless numbers of people in my life who have experienced mental breakdowns, a loss of proper desires, and emotional breakdowns because they chased success instead of letting it follow them.

It is startling to finally reach the top of the ladder only to realize it’s propped against the wrong wall. Your life does not consist of the abundance of things you possess. When you die you will not be remembered for what you owned as much as for who you were.

A person of value not only has worth but also adds worth or value to others. There are many ways you can add value to those around you. Here are a few. Compliment someone that does a good job. Smile at others and make eye contact when you talk to them. Encourage others in the pursuit of their dreams. Find a need someone has and meet it. Place value on others by listening to their ideas. Always treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” In order to be the person you were created to become, your life must be founded on right and moral principles. Show me a person with no values and I will show you a failure.

In order to leave a positive lasting legacy you must seek to be a person of character. Seek to live a life based on principles and values. Be a person that makes the difference in the lives of others. Live a life that exemplifies the life of Christ in all you do. In other words be a servant. Zig Zigler says, “If you help others get what they want you will get what you want.”

To Your Success!

Does God Mean It When He Says Bear One Another’s Burdens?

donkey We all experience and come in contact every day with fellow believers that are burdened down. They may be under the load of a physical, relational, vocational, or even a financial burden, or maybe it is something else.

When we encounter a fellow Christian that is burdened down, what do we do? Do we just thank God that we are burdened down by the same thing that has them burdened down? Or, do we ignore it and hope that someone else will assist them? Or do we do our part to alleviate the burden they are under?

How we respond is important to them, to us, and to God. Our response reveals whether we really believe the word of God or not and whether we are serious about being obedient to what God has instructed us to do.

Some friends of ours lost their son this past week. He was only 3 years old and was a great joy in their lives. They, of course, are devastated by his much too early passing. They are Christians (in fact he is one of the lay preachers in his church) and part of a large church family. My wife, Holly, called the mother a couple of days ago to see if there was anything we could do to be of assistance to them during this difficult time. She offered to cook, clean, or whatever they needed someone to do for them.

To our amazement the lady said to my wife, “thank you so much for calling. I have been so depressed the last few days I haven’t been able to get out of bed.” I can understand where she was coming from. She went on to say, “You are the first person that has called to offer our family help during this time. You need to be out there telling others what they should do when someone goes through something like this.”

I have to admit I was shocked and saddened when I heard that no one in their church family had offered to help them in this time of need. I was blown away by the lack of regard or common decency that others in the Body of Christ have shown to this family. This should never be the case. When the Apostle Paul was writing about the church, he compared it to the human body. While the human body is made up of many members they all work together for the good of the whole.

The Bible is explicit when it gives us instructions as to how we are to bear one another’s burdens. Yet when the rubber meets the road, in most cases, we simply disregard what the word of God teaches us to do. I fear that many times we fall into the same deception that Cain fell into when he said to God, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

We make all kinds of excuses; some are even spiritual in nature (or should I say sound spiritual), as to why we don’t help our brothers and sisters in Christ when they are going through difficult times. One of the most common excuses I’ve heard is “well I’ll pray about it and see what God leads me to do.” This sounds spiritual, but in actuality it is very carnal. Why you ask? Because you don’t need God to give you a special word from Him as to whether you should help, you have a command. “Bear One Another’s Burdens.” Another excuse is “Let the government help.” It never was God’s intention for the government to bear the burdens of its citizens. It was always His plan for His people to help His people.

This must be of great disappointment to God. Why? Because, nothing in our actions, if we don’t do what we know we should do, displays the love of God that dwells in us as His children.

Let me share a few verses of scripture and some spiritual insight with you that may help you in assessing where you are when it comes to being obedient in this area.

Galatians 6:2 teaches, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Have you even taken the time to ask someone what they are struggling with? What is the law of Christ? It is to love. Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” What kind of love did Jesus demonstrate? He was willing to lay down his life for his brethren. His was a sacrificing, giving, love. When you bear the burdens of another you are fulfilling the law of Christ.

1 John 3:16-19 declares, “But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him.” Notice what John penned to the church. If you see your brother with a need and you have what he needs yet you shut up your heart and do nothing how can you say the love of God abides in you? That is a very pointed yet powerful question. He goes on and says we are not to love in word only but also in deed. If you really have the love of God residing in your heart, and you are obedient to what His word says, when you see a need you won’t just talk about it, or pray about it, you will do something about it.

Galatians 6:10 says, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” When you read this verse in context with verses 6-10, you come to realize that this whole passage on sowing and reaping is concerning giving. In verse 6, Paul says we are to give to support those that minister to us. In verse 10 he says we are to also give to those of the household of faith. Sandwiched between these two verses Paul makes it clear that when we are giving to others, we are sowing good seed. He also makes it clear when we do not grow weary or get tired of giving to ministries and members of the Body of Christ, we will reap if we faint not. Who in the ministry needs? What are you going to do about it?

James 2:14-17 states, “What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” Do you know someone under a tremendous financial burden, and you have the resources to help them, yet you have done nothing but pray for them? According to these verses the Bible says your inaction profits nothing.

To answer the question Cain asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” the answer is yes you are.

Let me challenge you today to allow the Holy Spirit to point out to you areas where you have been missing the mark in this regard. Also, let me challenge you today to begin to do what the scriptures teach and begin “BEARING ONE ANOTHER’S BURDENS.”

Written By: G Samuel Verret

Real Change

For the caterpillar to become a butterfly it must change!

Real change, lasting change does not come from any outside source, including your will power! It only comes from a deep inner change within your heart and mind! It comes when you determine in your heart that you have a purpose, that you have potential, and that God has a plan! When you understand those three things you will begin to understand that only an inner transformation can produce the results you want in your life!

Several years ago I was a teacher in a private Christian school.  The annual auction was just around the corner and they didn’t have any entertainment for the event.  They approached me and asked if I could take on this responsibility.  At first I hesitated because I had never done something like this before and I didn’t see how I could accomplish such an incredible task.  I went home that afternoon and prayed about their proposition.  As I sat there God reminded me of His ability to do the impossible, His willingness to provide everything I need, and His power to create something out of nothing with just a Word from His mouth!

Every time I gave a reason why it couldn’t be done I felt a prompting from his Spirit countering my thoughts of inferiority.  I kept thinking, “I am not a director.  I am not a song writer.  I am not a choreographer.  There is no way!”  But just as I was finished silently speaking a mental list of my inabilities, the tune to a familiar song came to mind, and a picture of some of the students came into my mind’s eye.  I took out a sheet of paper and a pencil and began writing.  Before I knew it I had written the words to a song that went with the theme of the auction to the tune of the song that had come to mind.

When I finished I thought of a close friend who loved to dance and knew how to do choreography.  I called her and asked if she would be interested in helping me with this venture. She quickly agreed.  The next day I approached the students and they were excited about the idea.  We met in the gym that day and for several days after, working on the project.  The next week we presented the idea to the auction committee and they loved it!

As the day of the auction approached I was excited and nervous at the same time!  On the day of the auction I was praying and reading the Bible.  I read four Scriptures.  Jeremiah 29:11-13, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.  Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”  Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Luke 18:27, “But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”  And Isaiah 43:19, “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

An inner transformation had taken place in me over the course of those few weeks!  What I thought was impossible became possible!  What I thought I was incapable of doing, I accomplished!  Nothing from the outside changed my beliefs or abilities!  It was my willingness to allow God to do a work deep within my heart and mind; revealing His purpose, my potential, and His plan!  These three things produced the results I desired!  And because of my willingness to listen and obey thousands of dollars were raised that night, the people were entertained, the students were inspired to pursue more acting and singing opportunities, and my faith was strengthened!  This kind of inner transformation is available to everyone if you are willing to listen and obey!  

What is God calling you to do?  What is your purpose?  What limiting beliefs do you need to release in order to discover your potential?  Spend time in prayer and the Word asking God to reveal His plan and then be willing to make the changes necessary so you can accomplish it!
written by Holly True Verret
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