Guard Your Associations

The great automobile manufacture Henry Ford said, “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” King Solomon wrote, “Iron sharpens iron.” Your contacts and relationships can either make you or break you. It is a fact that you become like those you associate with.
A true friend will always challenge you to greatness. They will inspire you to try again when you fail. They will support you when you set out to accomplish something you believe in. Their friendship will consist of encouraging, strengthening and assisting you.
I constantly come in contact with people that are failing in life because of the negative relationships they are involved in. any relationship that hinders your forward progress is unhealthy. You must take a stand and eliminate relationships that drains you of your time, talen and energy.
Successful people understand the value of right relationships. Begin to associate with people that you want to emulate. Make the decision to sever any relationship that is dragging you down. Begin to run with positive, faith-filled people. Allow them to challenge you to be the best you can be!
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