Let It Go - 13 Things to Let Go of Going Into 2014

happy new year fb post

Life isn't always fair nor is it always easy. Many times in life we encounter situations that are not of our choosing. From the hurtful words of a hater, the loss of a job, a sickness in your body, a divorce you didn’t expect, to unfulfilled promises, and a litany of other experiences, life can be tough.

The key is to not allow the negative experiences you have encountered to make you bitter, but rather, motivate you to become better. The tendency of most people is to allow the circumstances of their lives dictate their feelings, thoughts, words, and actions. It is easy to have a pity party when things fall apart in your life. However, as I heard Joyce Meyer say, “You can’t be pitiful and powerful at the same time.”
When life deals you a bad hand you must determine to not let it get the best of you, steal your dreams, or break your focus.

Scripture teaches us that God is able to take what is meant for your harm and turn it into your advantage. What you view as a disadvantage in your life, God can turn into an asset. He can take what the enemy means to destroy you and turn it into what promotes you. As so many others have said, “God will turn your test into a testimony and your messes into a message, and your setbacks into a comeback,” if you refuse to quit!

As Dr Dave Martin so aptly says, God wants “The rest of your life to be the best of your life!” He desires for you to overcome the obstacles in your path, to accomplish what you have been created to accomplish, to be healed and healthy in your body, to have all your needs supplied and have an abundance so you can be a blessing to others, for your relationships to be strong, and for you to fulfill your purpose in life. In other words, God wants you to win in all areas of your life.

In order to walk in the best God has for you in 2014 you must let go of all the things that make you stop. You must let go of the baggage from your past that is weighing you down and keeping you from the best life God has for you. No wonder the writer of Hebrews penned these words, “Seeing we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that easily besets us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” There are some things you don’t overcome; you simply have to let them go!

For 2014 to be the best year we have ever had, we must:

1. Let go of the need to always be right, because it is impossible to always be right!

2. Let go of your need to be in total control of everything and everyone around you.

3. Let go of playing the blame game, take responsibility for your actions.

4. Let go of negative self-talk, quit beating yourself up mentally.

5. Let go of up your limiting beliefs; the beliefs that are holding you back.

6. Let go of complaining, it doesn't change anything, and no one wants to hear it!

7. Let go of trying to impress everyone around you.

8. Let go of trying to live up to the expectations of others in order to feel acceptance.

9. Let go of your fear of and resistance of change; change is inevitable.

10. Let go of your fears: fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of success, fear of what others think about you, etc...

11. Let go of your past mistakes and failures, learn from them, don't repeat them, move on.

12. Let go of past hurts, what others have said or done to you that offended you.

13 Let go of your excuses, nobody believes them, not even you!

Happy New Year!

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