Seize the Day - Living With No Regrets

seize the day

Imagine living a life without regrets. Sounds good doesn't it?

We all have done or said things that we regret. Unfortunately, for many people regret is a way of life.

I heard Author/Teacher, Brendon Buchard, share a story of a time when he almost died in a car accident and how out of that experience he developed three questions that he now asks himself every night before he goes to bed. They are: Did I live? Did I love? Did I matter?

These are great questions that at some point in our life we must answer. Rather than waiting until the end of our lives to ask these questions, why not start asking ourselves these questions everyday?

I read an article recently about the regrets people have at the end of their lives (something we will all face). It was most enlightening and gave me much to think about.

They were such things as:
Not living the their own life instead of following the pack (peer and societal pressure).
Not discovering their purpose earlier in life.
Not taking more risks for the results they desired.
Not taking better care of themselves.
Not loving others the way they should be loved.
Not touching more lives and inspiring others.
Not being a better partner or parent.
Interestingly, none of the regrets people have when facing their mortality have anything to do with making more money, working more hours, or having more things, which unfortunately is what most people focus on during their lifetimes.

It is so easy to get caught up in making a living, impressing others, fitting in, having all the latest gadgets and gizmos, that we never truly live the life we were created to live. Whether we want to admit it or not, we were created to live a life of purpose, where we use our passions, talents, gifts, strengths, dreams, and skills, to make a positive difference in our world and the lives of others we come in contact with.

So how do we go about living a life of no regrets?
1. Take risks. Go for the dream in your heart. Taking risks involve dong something. Do everything in your power, trusting God to assist you, to see the dreams He has given you become a reality. Remember, there are no rewards or results without risk.
2. Don't be afraid of failure. Failure is not a bad thing. Every great accomplishment resulted from much trial and error. Just ask Edison. He did thousands of experiments before he discovered the filament for the light bulb. His view of all his failed attempts was that he had simply found thousands of things that didn't work.
3. Know yourself. What is the one BIG thing you feel compelled to accomplish? What do you feel assigned to do? What problem do you see that you feel you can solve? The answers to these questions are indicators of the purpose God created you to fulfill.
4. Be who God made you to be. Don't compromise your values and dreams by trying to fit in with the in-crowd. Your fulfillment in life comes from being and doing what you are created for. Others will try to force you into the life they think or want you to live, if you allow them to. You don't have to live the dream someone else has for you, you have what it takes to be who you were made to be!
5. Start today taking better care of your health. Learn to eat right, get enough exercise, rest and recharge, let the stresses of life go, break addictions that are detrimental to your health; all of which are important if you are going to live a healthy life.
6. Be an encourager of others. Touch and inspire others with your words and your actions. Life though that are down. Inspire others to live on purpose.
7. Determine to be a better partner and parent. This requires work and discipline, but in the end it is worth it! Love more. Give more. Here's a key that has helped me immensely, treat your spouse or children the way you want to be treated.
As it has been said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." How are you going to live it?

Someone once said to me, "Live each day so you will have no regrets tomorrow." That is a great philophy and principle to live by.

Do something today - SEIZE THE DAY - that will be meaningful and beneficial to the world around you and to those that really matter in your life!

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