What’s Holding You Back?

You are created with incredible potential. Perhaps one of the greatest burdens a person can bear is undiscovered, undeveloped, and undeployed potential. So, why if we have such great potential, do we not maximize or live up to it? Perhaps it’s because we have allowed invisible barriers to hold us back.

If you are going to enjoy the “good success” God has promised you, then you are going to have to discover what is holding you back and work to eliminate it from your life.

Several years ago a study was done to determine how we become conditioned to failure and rejection over time. A large northern pike was taken alive and placed in a large aquarium. The water temperature and surroundings were designed to be like the natural environment from which it was taken. Then, live minnows were put in the tank. In the wild the pike fish survive by eating minnows. The pike thought he was in heaven. When he was hungry he ate all the minnows he cared to eat.
A few days later, the researchers played a trick on the Pike. They placed a large glass cylinder of water into the tank, and then filled it with minnows. The Pike tried to get to the minnows only to bump his snout against the invisible barrier. He tried over and over day after day to no avail. Finally he gave up and settled on the bottom of the aquarium.

The researchers then removed the cylinder allowing the minnows to swim freely. To their amazement the Pike never attempted to eat any of them. They would swim right past his face, brush up against him, but he never moved. Due to the painful experience of hitting his snout on the invisible barrier he was persuaded that he would never have another minnow. In the end, he starved surrounded by minnows.

Many of us are just like the poor Pike. We have allowed ourselves to be conditioned to accept what comes our way. We have given up because of the setbacks and obstacles we have encountered on the road to success. We have developed a belief system or mindset of mediocrity or failure. Sadly, what holds us back are not physical barriers. They are invisible barriers; barriers in our minds. Wrong belief systems, fear, negative attitudes, unrealistic expectations, past hurts and rejection, unresolved issues, poor self-image, preconceived notions, the opinions of others, and bad theology, just to name a few.

The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1 TLB) In order to follow the path God has laid out for you, to accomplish the goals you set, to finish what you start, to see your potential realized, to see your dreams manifested, you must let go of whatever’s holding you back.

Now, here’s the good news. Things don’t have to stay the way they are. You have the ability, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to let go of what’s holding you back. You have the ability to become everything you were created to become. You have the ability to be successful in your personal, spiritual, social, physical, vocational, familial, and financial life. It starts with getting rid of the stuff that’s holding you back.

Some may say, “That sounds good, and I know it’s true, but it’s easier said than done.” And, you’re right. In my next blog, I will share with you some secrets and principles for letting go of what is holding you back. But first you must take the following action steps. They are designed to help you uncover the invisible barriers that are holding you back. After all, you can’t let go of what is holding you back, until you know for sure what it is!

Action steps:
1. Do you really want to be successful in all areas of your life?
2. If yes, are you willing to do what you need to do in order to be successful?
3. Take out a sheet of paper and evaluate the following areas. Be honest!
a. What kind of attitude to I possess? Is it negative or positive?
b. What is my work ethic? Am I lazy or ambitious?
c. What preconceived notions do I have about myself, my career, my purpose, my finances, my relationships?
d. Do I allow fear to dominate and control my life? What am I afraid of?
e. What past hurts and rejections do I constantly think about and blame for my lack of success?
f. How do I view myself? Do I feel good about myself and believe in the abilities God has given me? Or, Do I dislike myself? Why?
g. What have I been taught, from a Theological standpoint, that have influenced my belief systems in a negative way?
h. What do I believe about, God, success, money, relationships, family, work, and life? Why do I believe these things?

You’re Not A Failure!

Motivational speaker and author Van Crouch says, “You’re not finished when you’re defeated, you’re finished when you quit.” Winners in life understand that failing is part of success. You can’t know victory if you don’t have a battle. There is nothing like the joy of something good happening for you like you do after you’ve experienced something negative.

The truth is “Bad things happen to good people.” Jesus once said, “In this world you shall have tribulation.” (John 16:33) In other words, you are going to have some bumps on the road to success. Things aren’t always going to be rosy. People that see themselves as winners simply pick themselves up after a setback and move on. If you have a dream, and you are actively pursuing it, you are going to fall short from time to time. It’s not what happens to you that is most important; it’s what happens in you!

Failure is not an event, it is an opinion. You are not a failure until you say you are. Every time you fail you simply learn how not to do something! We learn a lot from trial and error. Jay Leno, host of the Tonight Show, spends his Sunday evenings going to comedy clubs and practicing his jokes for upcoming monologues. Some go over well and some bomb. But he is not deterred. Just because a joke fails doesn’t mean he is a failure. He learns from his mistakes and continues to hone his craft. The result is success when he performs his monologue on a nightly basis.

Winners are not people that never get knocked down; they are people who refuse to stay down. There is something in the heart of a champion that won’t let them give up regardless of what they are going through. We’ve all witnessed it watching sporting events. Just when you think there is no way a team or an individual has a chance to win, they find a way to win anyways. They understand that they aren’t finished as long as they don’t quit. Failure is not in the falling down but in the giving up!

Two of my favorite people from history are Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln. It is reported that Thomas Edison did 10,000 experiments before he found a filament for the light bulb. Someone once said to him, “so you’ve failed 10,000 times.” His response, “No I found 10,000 things that didn’t work!” Abraham Lincoln failed at business and numerous forays into the political arena before he was elected the sixteenth President of the United States of America. He goes down as perhaps the greatest or at least one of the greatest Presidents of all time. The common denominator between both of these great men of history is they never viewed themselves as failures.

Here are some questions to ponder in your pursuit of accomplishment.
  • How do you see yourself?
  • Do you see yourself as a success or a failure?
  • What do you do when what you are attempting doesn’t seem to be working?
  • Do you give up and quit?
  • Or, do you get up and find a way to do it anyways?
My challenge to you today is that you begin to see yourself as the winner God says you are. Refuse to let setbacks hold you back from fulfilling your life purpose and accomplishing what you are capable of. Choose to use failures and setbacks as stepping stones to reaching your goals and enjoying a successful life! Say like the Apostle Paul of old, “I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13) You are not a failure!

How to Have a Great Day

Far too many people are caught up in reliving their yesterdays or fantasizing about their futures, but few are living in and enjoying the now. Several years ago I spoke on the subject, “The curse of yesterday and tomorrow.” I spoke about the fact that if all you think about is your yesterdays or your tomorrows, and then it becomes a curse to your today.

Today is the most important day of your life. Your destiny is determined by what you do today. The attitudes and ideas you have today will help to determine your successes tomorrow.

Think about the following statements:
  • Today is the day of Action.
  • Today is when the battle shall be won.
  • Today is yesterdays tomorrow.
  • Today is all you have.
  • Today is the time for winning.
  • Today you will take a step toward your goal.
  • Today must not be wasted.
  • Today is under your management.
  • What will you do with today?

If you are going to experience great success then you must learn to live in the present. You must quit just dreaming about tomorrow and reminiscing about yesterday. Determine to live today with all the gusto you can muster.

Determine that nothing is going to keep you from having a great day today. Nothing is going to keep you from recognizing the opportunities that each day presents you with.

Believe that something good is going to happen for you today. Having a positive mindset determines the course of your life. Jesus said, “as your faith is so be it unto you.” In other words what you believe is what you will receive. This is true in both a negative and a positive sense. If you start your day with a negative mindset, expecting the worse, then that is what you are going to experience. Conversely, if you start the day with a positive attitude, expecting the best, then that is what you will enjoy.

Make the decision to begin looking for and believing for the best in your life every day. Begin to say to yourself “something good is going to happen for me today.” Repeat it often until it becomes a part of how you really feel.

Begin each day with prayer. Prayer is simply spending time communing with God. It is what gets God involved in your circumstances. As my mom used to tell me, “Things go better with prayer.”

The Bible is full of teachings as to the power of prayer. Jesus said these things about prayer, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) He further said, “Hitherto have you ask nothing in my name, ask and you shall receive that you joy may be full.” (John 16:24) “What thigs you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.” (Mark 11:24)

Organize your day. Much time is wasted by people who don’t take the time to plan their days. As someone has so rightly said, “Time is money.” Start each day with a list of prioritized things that must be accomplished. Learn to manage your time so as to get the most out of each day.

Look for opportunities to use your skills and abilities. God has created you with certain talents and abilities that make you unique and important. There is nothing more fulfilling than doing what you were made to do and using the talents that God has blessed you with. On any given day you will encounter many opportunities to use what God has given you. Be who God made you to be not what others want you to be.

Have a positive attitude. It is very important that you maintain the proper perspective if you are going to enjoy the winning life. Many have said that attitude is more important that aptitude when it comes to being successful. While aptitude is important without a positive attitude it is powerless. Having a positive attitude is a prerequisite for using what you know in a productive manner.

Your attitude determines how far and how high you will go in life. We have all met extremely talented and brilliant people that are not accomplishing their dreams because of a poor attitude. On the other hand, we’ve all met less talented and less brilliant people that are accomplish great things because they have an upbeat positive attitude. The attitude you possess is your choice. Make the decision to start each day with a positive outlook and high expectations.

Do something kind for someone you come in contact with each day. When I was in the Boy Scouts as a young man we were expected to do a good deed for someone everyday. That was part of our motto as Boy Scouts. I still remember the positive feeling I had every time I did something nice for someone else. While most of my deed of kindness were not a big deal, it was a nice feeling to see how good you made the other person feel.

I have paid peoples meal tabs without them knowing who did it. I have paid toll for the people in the vehicle behind me for no reason at all. I’ve pasid for the groceries of people in line ahead of me just because I wanted too. Now, none of these things are to brag on myself, but to simply illustrate what I am talking about. Try it and see if you don’t get the same feelings of joy that I’ve experienced. If you want to have a great day, help someone else have a great day!

Live each day as if it’s your last. Enjoy each moment. Enjoy the company of others. Learn to appreciate the sunshine, the flowers blooms, the birds songs and everything else that you come in contact with. Make each moment count. Do the things that will bring lasting results, thins that will benefit and promote others. If you are going to experience success in life then you are going to have to begin to live in the now. Oh by the way, Have A Great Day!

Acts of Kindness

“The days of chivalry are over” the woman said as I held the door open for her. “Perhaps they are”, I replied, “But the days of kindness aren’t”! Treat others with the same respect, dignity and courtesy you would like to receive.

Albert Schweitzer wrote, “Constant kindness can accomplish much.” As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstandings, mistrust and hostility to evaporate. It is amazing what a kind word or a kind act can do for a person.

In our society it seems that kindness has become a lost art.

People live with only their own interests at heart. They constantly think only of themselves and their situations of life. Rare is the person who puts the concerns of others first.

Zig Zigler teaches that the key to becoming a success in life is in helping others become a success. If I can help you get what you want, it will help me get what I want. It is true that we reap what we sow.

In Ephesians 6:8 the Apostle Paul wrote, “Knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord.” In other words, what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you!

When was the last time you recall someone doing something kind for you? More important, when was the last time you did something kind for someone else? An act of kindness is something you do voluntarily. It is something you want to do not just because someone asks you to do it. Look for opportunities to be kind to someone today.

" And be kind to one another." (Ephesians 4:32)

A Call to Boldness

One of the great themes of scripture is that of boldness. This characteristic is what enabled many great leaders to accomplish great things.

The Bible teaches, “The righteous are as bold as a Lion.” When you think of boldness, you think of a lion. A lion represents fearlessness and power.

Boldness is having the courage to do what is required of you. It is the ability to step out and follow the vision or dream that God has placed in your heart.

Abraham was a man of courage. When God spoke to him, and called him out of the Ur of the Chaldees, to leave all he had in search of a new land, he had the courage to do so. When everyone else was looking to take it easy and enjoy his or her senior years, at 75 Abraham boldly entered a new place of life. It was the result of this boldness that caused him to become the “Father of the Faithful.”

To be bold is to be full of faith. It is important that we, as Christian leaders, be full of faith. Jesus was concerned that when he returned, he would find no faith on the earth. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. It is something that has been given to us by God. We have got to seek to see our faith grow and develop.

As you study the Bible you find varying degrees of faith. Little faith, weak faith, great faith, and so on. In the New Testament book of Act’s, we find that Barnabus was full faith, and the Holy Ghost. He was filled with confidence, courage, and boldness. God help us to be the same.

As leaders it is imperative that we be delivered from the spirit of timidity. It is impossible to truly lead from a position of fear. In order to be an effective leader, boldness is required.

The study of history bears out that effective leaders possess boldness and courage. It is the boldness of their vision, ideas and efforts that inspires others to follow them. People tend to gravitate towards bold leaders.
I believe in the day we live people are looking for bold leaders that will stand and live by the convictions of their heart.

In reading the charge that God gave Joshua, when he was faced with the awesome task of leading the children of Israel into the Promised Land, you find that the main theme was “Be strong and very courageous.” (Joshua 1) It was so important that Joshua possess a bold spirit, that God reiterated it over and over again.

It was through courage that Joshua was able to lead the people across the Jordan River. Courage is what allowed him to lead them to victory over the city of Jericho. It was courage that assisted him in dividing the land to the people. Courage is what caused them to drive out the enemies, from the land, little by little.
If you are going to be an effective leader you must be filled with boldness. The Apostle Paul said, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind." It is time to start believing, talking and acting like this is true, because it is!

You need to be set free from the fear of men. The fear of what others might think, see of do to you. The Bible says, "The fear of man brings a snare." In other words, it binds, traps and imprisons you. David said, "The Lord is on my side, I will not fear, what can man do to me." Now, that's the sound of a courageous, bold leader.

Begin to call on the boldness and courage that God has placed in you. Square your shoulders back, raise your head, and stand tall. Realize that God is in you to do a mighty work in the world.

Several years ago the theme song for my daily radio broadcast was a song sung by Morris Chapman. It said, "Be bold, be strong, for the Lord thy God is with thee, Be bold, be strong, for the Lord thy God is with thee, Do not be afraid, do not be dismayed, For you are walking in strength and victory, You're walking in strength in a victory, For the Lord thy God is with thee."

I challenge you today to shirk off the bands of timidity and fear. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Be filled with faith and courage. Be the bold leader God has created you to be.

Adding Meaning To Your Life

When I die, I want to know that my life had meaning. I don’t want to live a full life only to look back and regret what I didn’t do. My wife likes to say, “Live each day so you have no regrets tomorrow.”

In order to live a meaningful life it is important to understand that you are not an accident. You are here with a destiny. The moment you were conceived in your mothers’ womb, God assigned purpose to your life.

All of your talents and abilities, your dreams and your aspirations, your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes are all keys to understanding your purpose in life. By developing and understanding each of these puts you on the path to living a meaningful life.

Meaning is found in fulfilling your life purpose. It is found in having a God-given dream and doing your part to see it become a reality.

Here are some ways to add meaning to your life:

Determine to make a positive difference in peoples lives.
Significance is found in you ability to make a positive difference in others lives. One key to making a difference is “Find a need and meet it.” There is no feeling so great as the one that follows helping others succeed.

Be a person of vision.
Vision adds meaning and gives direction to life. “Without a vision people perish.” Vision sees by faith what can be instead of what presently is. People with strong visions approach life with purpose and a sense of destiny.

Determine where you want to go in life.
As Denis Waitly says, “If you don’t know where you’re going, how are you going to know when you get there?” Destiny adds meaning to life. Highly successful people understand the value of goal setting. A goal is a dream with a deadline. Without goals you will never be able to live a meaningful life. Goals give you a target to aim at.

Be a person of planning.
Nothing of significance is done without planning. My mother always told me, “Plan your work and work your plan.” All highly successful coaches understand the value of a solid well thought out game plan. Like someone has so aptly said, “To fail to plan is to plan to fail.” Know where you are going and what you are going to do to get there.

Develop bounce-back-ability.
Everyone faces setbacks in life. In order to live a meaningful life one must learn to be resilient. One must refuse to let their setbacks cause them to stop what they are pursuing. Rather they should choose to use their setbacks as stepping-stones to their comeback.

Take personal control of your life.
Be responsible for your life. If you don’t take charge of your life, someone else will. Dream for yourself. Set goals for yourself. Develop your own expectations. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in trying to be who everyone wants you to be. God has made you to have dominion or control of your life. (Genesis 1:23)

Develop communication skills.
Understand the value and power of words. What you say can make or break you. Remember, “Loose lips sink big ships.” Also learn to listen to others. Seek to understand them.

Learn to relax.
Lighten up. It is a proven fact; people that learn to live a relaxed life are more successful, fulfilled and happy. You cannot enjoy life if you are uptight all the time.

Develop a sense of humor.
Refuse to be overly serious about everything. Look on the light side. See the humor in life. Learn to laugh. “A merry heart does good like a medicine.”

Be a person of decision.
Life is about choices. You are the sum-total if the decisions you have made. All highly successful people not only know how to make the right decisions they also have disciplined themselves to live with the decisions they make. They don’t constantly second-guess themselves. Be decisive. Once you’ve made a decision don’t allow others to pressure you into changing your mind.

Do what you love money will follow.
Your reward should be found in what you are doing, not in what it pays. Money can be a harsh taskmaster. So many I come in contact with are more concerned about how much money they can make rather than living their God-given dream and pursuing their destiny. By determining to be the person God made you to be and doing the things God created you to do money will follow. It is a law that is inescapable. I have learned that my provision is at the place of my life assignment.

Be grateful.
An attitude of gratitude is essential to a meaningful life. You may not have everything you want in life, but you should be thankful for what you do have.

Have proper priorities.
One must get their life in order if they are going to live a meaningful life. Put first things first. Prioritize your activities in order of importance.

Cultivate relationships.
God made you to relate to others. It is imperative to seek to cultivate and develop good relations with others. No man is an island.

Include God in everything you do.
God is the source of all good things. God plus you are more than a match for anything. Solomon wrote, “In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your steps.”


Nothing of great importance is ever accomplished until someone first of all makes a commitment to do something. Whether it is a commitment to do what has never been done or a commitment to improve on something that has already been done, it won't be done unless you make a commitment.

Making a commitment involves several things:

Make a quality decision as to what you are going to attempt.
You can't do anything until you make a choice as to what you are going to do. A quality decision is one that you will not turn back from. It is the setting of the course.

Lay the necessary groundwork.
Never underestimate the importance of preparation. As one man said, "I would rather be prepared and never have an opportunity, than to have an opportunity and not be prepared." Time spent in preparation is never wasted.

Give yourself 100% to what you set out to do.
The Bible says, "Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your might." Put your all in to your projects. Do the very best you can in everything you set out to do.

Be determined to finish what you start.
Scripture teaches, "Better is the end of something, than the beginning thereof." Anyone can start something, winners finish what they start.

Become intensely focused on your God ordained goals and objectives.
God told Joshua, "Do not turn to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go." Refuse to allow anything to distract you from your commitment. Many opportunities will arise to break your commitment, however, if you will maintain your focus in the end you will win. Everything you do or are ask to do should be in line with your commitments.

Refuse to quit.
Remember the adage you learned as a youngster, "Quitters never win and winners never quit." It's just as true today as it ever was. The acorn becomes a mighty oak by holding it's ground and refusing to quit growing. Maintain a high level of commitment at all times.

Make yourself accountable to someone.
Having someone to answer to will have a great affect on your commitments.

Ask the Lord to help you.
Jesus was able to go through the agony of the cross because of the commitment he made. The writer of Hebrews tells us that when the going gets tough and we feel like giving up to "consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest ye be weary and faint (give up) in your mind." (Hebrews 12:3)

Make Your Time Count

The "now" that existed when you began to read this sentence is gone forever! No wonder the Apostle Paul wrote, "Redeeming the time for the days are evil." The greatest commodity you have is time. It is here and then it's gone.

Whew! That moment sure flew by! As they all do as the clock ticks on. Counting time is not nearly as important as making time count. The important thing in life is not how old you are, but how you are old; not how much time has passed in your life, but how you have passed your time!

So what is the best use of your time? While you are making a living, don't forget to make a life. Everyone has the same amount of time in a day. Those that use it wisely are the one’s that experience the most success.
Here are some ways to make your time count:

Enjoy your life by enjoying the present moment.
You can't relive your past, it's gone forever. You can't live the future; it's not here yet. The only time you have is the present moment. God desires for you to enjoy life.

Find a dream and pursue it.
Discover what you really want out of life and go after it! Do what you were created to do. Someone once said: "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."

Sincerely love people and treat them well.
Treat others with the respect and dignity they deserve as humans created in the image of God.

Drop your regrets.
Live in the present, not in the past. Avoid self-tormenting language. "I should have . . ." "I could have . . ." "I wish I had . . ." "If only . . ." The Apostle Paul wrote, "Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before, I press towards the prize for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Let the past go. There is nothing you can do to change it.

Learn to like yourself.
People who feel good about themselves are the most positive and productive people in the world. Jesus taught, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." If you don't have a healthy self-concept (love) of yourself you won't have one of others.

Give every project your total concentration and maximum effort.
King Solomon once said, "Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your might."

Spend quality time with your family.
There is no greater relationship in the world as important as that of you and your family. Don't give them the leftover time of your life. Give them your best.

Spend quality time with your heavenly Father.
Time spent reading the word, meditating the promises and praying to God, is never wasted time. The prophet Daniel wrote, "The people that know their God, shall be strong and do exploits." The word “know," means to know in an intimate way. The only way intimacy can be developed with God, or others, is to spend time with them.

Guard your associations.
Choose your friends wisely. Run with the wise. The Bible says, "Evil associations, corrupts good manners." Whether you want to admit it or not, you become like the people you hang with.

Watch out for time wasters.
As you pursue making your time count, there will be many obstacles and distractions that rise before you. Before involving yourself in any pursuit ask your self this question: "Is this in line with my overall purpose and mission in life?"

Toxic People

Perhaps you’ve noticed that negative people tend to associate only with other negative people. People that fail are constantly running with other people that are constantly failing. My mother used to tell me, “Birds of like feather flock together.”

Your relationships are vital to your personal success in life. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Evil associations corrupt good manners.” You become like the people you associate with on a constant basis.

There are some people that are toxic to your spirituality, your mental health, and your future. These are people who are constantly spreading their poisonous venom to anyone that will listen. They are unhappy and want everyone else to be also.

Here is a list of people that can be toxic to your personal success:

Negaholics—people that are addicted to being negative. These are the people that always see the glass as half full.
Complainers—people that are always griping about what they are experiencing.
Cynics—people that believe others are insincere
Criticizers—people that are always giving a negative opinion of others or things, people that constantly express disapproval of somebody or something
Gossipers—people that are always talking about others generally in a negative sense
Faultfinders—people that never find the good in anyone or anything.
Tempters—people that are constantly tempting you to do what you know you shouldn’t be doing.
Rebellious—people that refuse to live under authority
Jealous—people that are bitter or unhappy because of another’s advantages or possessions
Lazy—people that refuse to work or are constantly procrastinating
Backstabbers—people that are constantly attacking others when they are not around to defend themselves
Suspicious—people that area inclined to believe that something is wrong with either something or someone
Doubters—people that don’t see or believe in the good that can happen
Arguers—people that are always expressing disagreement or trying to prove their point
Fighters—people that are always looking to pick a fight
Troublemakers—people that are always stirring up trouble where ever they go
Dream stealers—people that are adept at shooting down your dreams and aspirations
Skeptics—someone who doubts something is true
Victims--- people that see themselves as victims of the past,
Blamers --- people that are always blaming others for their lot in life.
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