What’s Holding You Back?

You are created with incredible potential. Perhaps one of the greatest burdens a person can bear is undiscovered, undeveloped, and undeployed potential. So, why if we have such great potential, do we not maximize or live up to it? Perhaps it’s because we have allowed invisible barriers to hold us back.

If you are going to enjoy the “good success” God has promised you, then you are going to have to discover what is holding you back and work to eliminate it from your life.

Several years ago a study was done to determine how we become conditioned to failure and rejection over time. A large northern pike was taken alive and placed in a large aquarium. The water temperature and surroundings were designed to be like the natural environment from which it was taken. Then, live minnows were put in the tank. In the wild the pike fish survive by eating minnows. The pike thought he was in heaven. When he was hungry he ate all the minnows he cared to eat.
A few days later, the researchers played a trick on the Pike. They placed a large glass cylinder of water into the tank, and then filled it with minnows. The Pike tried to get to the minnows only to bump his snout against the invisible barrier. He tried over and over day after day to no avail. Finally he gave up and settled on the bottom of the aquarium.

The researchers then removed the cylinder allowing the minnows to swim freely. To their amazement the Pike never attempted to eat any of them. They would swim right past his face, brush up against him, but he never moved. Due to the painful experience of hitting his snout on the invisible barrier he was persuaded that he would never have another minnow. In the end, he starved surrounded by minnows.

Many of us are just like the poor Pike. We have allowed ourselves to be conditioned to accept what comes our way. We have given up because of the setbacks and obstacles we have encountered on the road to success. We have developed a belief system or mindset of mediocrity or failure. Sadly, what holds us back are not physical barriers. They are invisible barriers; barriers in our minds. Wrong belief systems, fear, negative attitudes, unrealistic expectations, past hurts and rejection, unresolved issues, poor self-image, preconceived notions, the opinions of others, and bad theology, just to name a few.

The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1 TLB) In order to follow the path God has laid out for you, to accomplish the goals you set, to finish what you start, to see your potential realized, to see your dreams manifested, you must let go of whatever’s holding you back.

Now, here’s the good news. Things don’t have to stay the way they are. You have the ability, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to let go of what’s holding you back. You have the ability to become everything you were created to become. You have the ability to be successful in your personal, spiritual, social, physical, vocational, familial, and financial life. It starts with getting rid of the stuff that’s holding you back.

Some may say, “That sounds good, and I know it’s true, but it’s easier said than done.” And, you’re right. In my next blog, I will share with you some secrets and principles for letting go of what is holding you back. But first you must take the following action steps. They are designed to help you uncover the invisible barriers that are holding you back. After all, you can’t let go of what is holding you back, until you know for sure what it is!

Action steps:
1. Do you really want to be successful in all areas of your life?
2. If yes, are you willing to do what you need to do in order to be successful?
3. Take out a sheet of paper and evaluate the following areas. Be honest!
a. What kind of attitude to I possess? Is it negative or positive?
b. What is my work ethic? Am I lazy or ambitious?
c. What preconceived notions do I have about myself, my career, my purpose, my finances, my relationships?
d. Do I allow fear to dominate and control my life? What am I afraid of?
e. What past hurts and rejections do I constantly think about and blame for my lack of success?
f. How do I view myself? Do I feel good about myself and believe in the abilities God has given me? Or, Do I dislike myself? Why?
g. What have I been taught, from a Theological standpoint, that have influenced my belief systems in a negative way?
h. What do I believe about, God, success, money, relationships, family, work, and life? Why do I believe these things?

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