Toxic People

Perhaps you’ve noticed that negative people tend to associate only with other negative people. People that fail are constantly running with other people that are constantly failing. My mother used to tell me, “Birds of like feather flock together.”

Your relationships are vital to your personal success in life. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Evil associations corrupt good manners.” You become like the people you associate with on a constant basis.

There are some people that are toxic to your spirituality, your mental health, and your future. These are people who are constantly spreading their poisonous venom to anyone that will listen. They are unhappy and want everyone else to be also.

Here is a list of people that can be toxic to your personal success:

Negaholics—people that are addicted to being negative. These are the people that always see the glass as half full.
Complainers—people that are always griping about what they are experiencing.
Cynics—people that believe others are insincere
Criticizers—people that are always giving a negative opinion of others or things, people that constantly express disapproval of somebody or something
Gossipers—people that are always talking about others generally in a negative sense
Faultfinders—people that never find the good in anyone or anything.
Tempters—people that are constantly tempting you to do what you know you shouldn’t be doing.
Rebellious—people that refuse to live under authority
Jealous—people that are bitter or unhappy because of another’s advantages or possessions
Lazy—people that refuse to work or are constantly procrastinating
Backstabbers—people that are constantly attacking others when they are not around to defend themselves
Suspicious—people that area inclined to believe that something is wrong with either something or someone
Doubters—people that don’t see or believe in the good that can happen
Arguers—people that are always expressing disagreement or trying to prove their point
Fighters—people that are always looking to pick a fight
Troublemakers—people that are always stirring up trouble where ever they go
Dream stealers—people that are adept at shooting down your dreams and aspirations
Skeptics—someone who doubts something is true
Victims--- people that see themselves as victims of the past,
Blamers --- people that are always blaming others for their lot in life.

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