Encourage Yourself

Have you ever felt like no one in the world understands you? Doe's it seem like no one cares about what you are going through? Do you ever feel like giving up? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this article is for you.
Everyone, from the greatest to the least, experience these sorts of feelings from time to time. Many times however, the only way that we can be encouraged is to encourage ourselves in the Lord!
King David despite winning many victories, had times when all of his allies turned against him. On one occasion, after returning from battle with his mighty men, he discovered that a band of Amalekites had taken the wives, children and property of David and all his mighty men captive while they were away. After crying until he could cry no more, the Bible teaches us that David’s own mighty men turned on him and wanted to stone him to death. They failed to remember what David had done for them; all they could see was that he was to blame for their loss. It was at that time that David “encouraged himself” in the Lord! (I Samuel 30:6)
Perhaps you find yourself in a situation where it seems like all your friends are gone. Maybe you feel as though everyone has forsaken you, and has left you to suffer alone. Maybe someone close to you has betrayed you. You may be facing a financial difficulty that there seems to be no way out of. Maybe the doctors have given you a negative diagnosis. Whatever it is you are going through, I have good news for you today. God cares about you and desires to see you win over the situations of life. Let me challenge you today to “encourage yourself in the Lord.”
Here are some keys for encouraging yourself in the Lord:
Remember your past victories.
Take the time to reflect on some of the past situations that God has enabled you to overcome. Remember the blessings that you have already received. Recall the times when it seemed there was no way out, yet God made a way. Be assured, if God did it once, He will do it again!
Refocus on your life purpose.
By refocusing on what God has called you to do you are able to take your mind off of the situation you find yourself in. By remembering your life purpose you become empowered with a sense of calling and perseverance. Remember that your provision is at the place of your assignment.
Spend time in God’s word.
Spending time in the word of God causes your faith to grow. (Romans 10:17) Faith is the inner image of the finished product. It is seeing things as God says they can be, not as they may be at the moment. (Hebrews 11:1) You become encouraged in the Lord when you see what he has promised you in His word.
Let go of past hurts.
This may be one of the hardest, yet most important, steps to encouraging yourself. You must learn to forgive and forget. We all have excess baggage from past experiences that will weigh us down if not dealt with. The Bible tells us to “lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us.” (Hebrews 12:1) It also teaches us to forgive in order that we can be forgiven and our prayers be unhindered. (Mark 11:25)
Associate with encouragers.
Author Mike Murdock says, “Go where you are celebrated, not where you are tolerated!” There are some relationships that are toxic to your emotional, physical and spiritual well being. The Bible teaches us “Evil associations corrupts good manners.” (I Corinthians 15:33) Solomon wrote, “Iron sharpens iron.” If you associate with encouragers, you will be encouraged.
Refuse to allow yourself to wallow in self- pity.
Make the decision to “encourage yourself in the Lord!” Determine to adjust your attitude. It is a true statement; “your attitude determines your altitude.
Begin to confess, “I am blessed and highly favored. Everywhere I go goodness and mercy follow me. God always causes me to triumph. This too shall pass. I am more than a conqueror because greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.”
If you will do these things, you will be surprised at how fast you are encouraged!

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