The Power of a Dream

The world belongs to the dreamer. Everything that has ever been created or developed started as a dream or idea in somebody’s mind. All of the technological progress that we have experienced started as a dream.
You will never be successful if you don’t have a dream. 

Dreams are the foundation for personal success. A dream is a mental picture that you have of something that you would like to see accomplished. It is a true definition of faith. Hebrews 11:1 declares, “Faith is the subject of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” In other words, it is the inner image of the finished product. It is seeing things as they can be instead of as they currently are.

Seven things about dreams:

  1. Dreams give you purpose. Life is meaningless without purpose. In order to be fulfilled in life you must have a purpose or reason for being. Your purpose in life is found in the dream of what you want to accomplish.
  2.  Dreams give you direction. They help set the right goals and set you the right priorities. They give you something to aim at. Dreams help you do what you were created to do.
  3. Dreams help you focus. Through having a dream you are able to fully concentrate on what needs to be accomplished. We are all faced with many things in life that can distract or deter us from what we were created for. Dreams help us to not be distracted.
  4.  Dreams motivate and inspire you. They are what give you a passion for life. When you truly have a God-given dream you think about it all the time. It fills every waking and sleeping moment. You become obsessed with it. It encompasses everything that you do. You eat it, sleep it, drink it, talk about it, study it, read about it and pray about it. It is what gets you up in the morning. It is something you can’t wait to get up and pursue.
  5.  Dreams keep you going inspire of adversity. When you have a God-given dream it doesn’t matter what opposition comes your way, it can’t stop you. Adversity cannot slow you down, deter you or keep you back, when you have a dream. It doesn’t matter what comes your way, lack of finances, health problems, interpersonal relationship problems, a dream gives you a reason not to quit or give up. A dream will cause you to be persistent. “Quitters never win and winners never quit.”
  6. Dreams are the seed to your future. What you dream about today determines where you will be tomorrow. The key to your future is found in the dream you have today. Instead of accepting life as it now is, get a dream of where you want to be and what you want to do.
  7. Dreams must be acted on. I saw a sign not long ago that said, “Don’t just dream it. Do it!” Dreams can produce powerful results, but only if acted upon. At some point in order to accomplish great things, you must put legs on your dreams. They can only be effective if acted on. I like to say, “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!”
What is your dream?  What are you going to do about it?

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