Get With It, or Get Out of the Way

       As children most of us learned, or at least heard it said, “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”  Many fall way short of their potential in life, not because they don’t have great ideas, abilities and desires, but because they are caught in the habit of procrastination.  The road to success is littered by people that had great intentions.

     There can be no success without focused effort.  Procrastination is the result of inaction not action.  High achievers are not just dreamers they are doers.  Cavett Roberts said, “A constructive life is built on things we do—not the things we don’t do.  Never forget that the only material that can be used in building a life is positive action.”

     I read an interesting chapter title not long ago.  It simply said,” you can’t get to the top, until you get off your bottom!”  The message is clear, there can be no success without action.

     Nolan Bushell, the founder of Atari, was once asked what made him a success.  His response is worth repeating.  “The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something.  It’s as simple as that.  A lot of people have ideas, but there are few that decide to do something about them now.  Not tomorrow, not next week, but today.  The true achiever is not a dreamer but a doer.” 

     The Bible is full of admonitions for us to be people of action.  Faith is not sitting around waiting for something to happen.  When you truly believe in something you pursue it.  What too many Christians call faith, God calls slothfulness or laziness.

     In my study of human achievement, I have found there are four types of people.  There are the ones that make it happen, those who watch it happen, those who wonder what happened, and those who keep things from happening!  Everyone falls into one of these four categories.  Which are you?

The following tips will help you overcome procrastination and become more productive:

Recognize procrastination for what it is.

     It is a thief.  It robs you of your time, your treasure and your talent.  It takes form you the joy of accomplishment and the thrill of success.  It robs you of your ability to be productive.  It causes you to miss out on great opportunities.

Make the decision to be a person of action.

      Accept personal responsibility for your life.  If you are going to live your purpose and enjoy succcess in life you must take responsibility for your actions.  No one else can make you a success.  It is your responsibility to do what must be done in order to experience it.   There is no growth or productivity without action.  The Bible says “Faith without works is dead being alone.”  Believing you can achieve something without taking the necessary actions is valueless.  You must be a doer not just a talker.

Analyze why you procrastinate.

     What are the underlying factors that cause you to put off until later what you know you should do now?  Is it a lack of information, lack of talent, lack of resources or fear of failure?

Make a list of things that need to be done.

     Write down everything you have put off doing.  List the reasons why you have put them off.  Every night before you go to bed you make a list of what you need to do the next day.  In the morning you should review the list.  Start with the hardest thing first.  The motivation you have after having done the hardest thing first will carry over into what else needs to be done the rest of the day.

Commit to being a doer.

     A lot of people talk a big talk yet never make the decision to walk the walk.  Nothing great is ever accomplished without positive action.  Commit to doing what has to be done to have the results you desire to have. Make the decision to begin doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

Work on one thing at a time.

     Don’t try to do everything on your list at once.  Trying to do too much causes your focus to be scattered and you to be less productive than possible.  Multi-tasking sounds good, but most people don’t have the ability to do to many things at once.  I once tried juggling.  As long as I was only juggling two balls things were all right.  When I added a third ball I looked as though I was having some kind of fit.  I didn’t have the concentration or the skill to keep three balls in the air.  The same is true, for most of us, in all areas of life.  When we try to do more than we are capable of we lose concentration and end up not completing any task that needs to be done.

Don’t over commit.

     This goes along with the last point.  You are only one person.  You can’t do everything.  Recognize your personal limitations.  Don’t say you will do something unless you are certain you can.  One of the most important words you can use when others are wanting or demanding more of you than you are capable of, is the word “NO!”  Sometimes you have to say no to what seems to be urgent in order that you don’t fail to do what is important.  Refuse to commit to tasks you are not sure you can do or have the time to accomplish.

Get help.

     Enlist the assistance of others.  Find others that are strong in areas you are weak.  Believe it or not, most people when asked for assistance are quick to help.  Part of getting help is learning to delegate.  Allow others to use their skills and knowledge to assist you in accomplishing what you need to get done.

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