Personal Development: Be All You Can Be

Life is about learning, growing, and improving. It is impossible to be as effective as you could be without constant personal development. You should be constantly seeking to improve your abilities, your knowledge, and your person.

You can be all that you were made to be. Growth or maturity takes time. It does not happen overnight. It is a process. Given the proper effort, discipline and perseverance you can develop your potential.

Keys for Personal Development:

Don’t think you have arrived.

No one has arrived to the point of maximum potential. Researchers tell us that upon the examination of Albert Einstein’s brain after his death, they discovered he had only used fifteen percent of his mental capacity. This brilliant man still had room for improvement. Think about it, eighty-five percent of his mental potential was undeveloped. With that in mind it is easy to see that human beings never truly arrive at a place of maximum potential. There is always room for improvement.

You are what you think.

Solomon wrote, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” It is a true statement that you become what you think on a continual basis. People that see themselves as losers or failures actually live down to their expectations. They literally find ways to sabotage their lives. Conversely, people that see themselves as winners, in turn live up to their expectations. They find a way to win. It is important that you guard your thoughts, because your thoughts determine your actions.

Birds of like feather flock together.

Your associations are important to your personal development. You tend to become like the people you associate with on a continual basis. If you want to soar with the eagles you can’t flock with the turkeys! There are some people that are toxic to your life. Their negativity is poison to themselves and those they are around. In order to become the person you want to become you must sever any relationship that pulls you down instead of building you up. Hang around positive, faith-filled, achievement oriented people, if that’s the type of person you want to become. Run with winners. Solomon said, “Walk with the wise and you will be wise.”

Don’t be afraid to try new things.
In order to be successful you must be willing to take new risks. One reason many never accomplish much is because they are afraid to try anything different. Many times in order to have what you’ve never had; you’ve got to do what you’ve never done. The only thing worse than the person who fails, is the person who never tries.

Refuse to accept the status quo, as the way things have to be.

To experience personal growth you must be willing to leave your comfort zone. As creatures of habit it is easy to get locked into certain patterns that are comfortable but not necessarily productive. Just because things have always been done a certain way does not mean there isn’t a better way. Look for it. Find it. All great achievers have this mindset. That’s what drove Thomas Edison to find a better way to light the world.

Keep Learning.
We’ve all met people that are “know it alls.” At least they think they are. They act as though they are experts at everything, when in reality they aren’t. The longer I’ve lived the more I realize I still have a lot to learn. I like to spend time reading positive books on success and achievement. I spend time regularly listening to audio presentations of successful people. I attend seminars on subjects that interest me. Why? So, I can continue to grow as a person. The day you stop learning is the day you die!

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