Go For It

What is the burning desire of your heart? What is the one thing you would do if money weren’t the object? If you knew you could do something you always wanted to do and that it would be successful, what would you do? The answers to these questions reveal the true deep-seated God-given dreams for your life.

Now, let me ask you something else. What is holding you back? Why aren’t you actively pursuing the dream in your heart?

Great achievers are not those who just have great dreams, they are people that are determined to make them a reality. They aren’t content to have good ideas, they are focused on bringing them to pass. The difference between achievers and non-achievers is not the dreams or ideas, but what they do with them.

I saw a sign once that simply said, “Don’t just dream it, Do it!” There are millions of people with great ideas that never accomplish great things because they never go for it. As Denis Waitly says, “The live on someday I’ll.” Someday I’ll do great things. Someday I’ll start a business. Someday I’ll lose weight. Someday I’ll write a book and so it goes.

To have what you’ve never had, you have to do what you’ve never done. You can live your dreams and bring your ideas to fruition if you will simply begin to do something to make them happen.

How to go for it:

Make a list of your dreams and ideas.
If you don’t have a concrete picture of what you want to accomplish, chances are you never will. By making a list you not only understand what you want to do but also how to get started. The Bible says, “Write the vision and make it plain, that they that read it may run with it.”

Start today.
Procrastination keeps many from never achieving great things. Good intentions are not good enough. There must be positive action. Don’t put the journey to the fulfillment of your dreams off until tomorrow. Begin to live in the now. It’s what you do now that determines your tomorrow.

Let go of whatever is holding you back.
Whatever is holding you back needs to be conquered if you are going to go for it. Face your fears, your insecurities and your excuses, defeat them and go on. Remember, every great achiever has had to face similar obstacles to their success.

Focus on the end result.
As author Steven Covey so aptly says, “Begin with the end in mind.” Picture yourself having already accomplished your objectives in life. Get a mental picture of how things are going to be once you’ve gone for the dreams you posses. By staying focused on the end result it makes the effort worth it regardless of the how tough it may get.

Find a role model.
Find someone from a similar background as yourself, that has accomplished their dream and model yourself after them. Talk to them. Ask them questions. Learn what they did to get where they are now. Allow them to coach you. Instead of learning from your own mistakes, learn from the successes and failures of others.

Believe in yourself and what you are doing.
You can’t accomplish anything if you don’t believe you can. If you believe you can or believe you can’t you’re right. Believing in your abilities and efforts is imperative to success in any venture that you enter into.

Make up your mind to finish what you start.
Don’t be a great starter. Be a great finisher. Be persistent. Quitters never win, and winners never quit. The Bible teaches, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.”

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