Be Yourself

As author John Mason so aptly said, “You were born an original, don’t die a copy!” One of the biggest struggles of life is being the person you were created to be. All of us, at one time or another, struggle with our personal identity.
Far too many people live their whole lives trying to be someone they aren’t. It is frustrating to try to live someone else’s dream for your life instead of your own. High achievers are people that accept who they are and live by the dream in their heart.

In order to “Be Yourself,” it is imperative that you realize there is no one else in the world like you. No one else has your DNA, your fingerprint or your personality. If God had wanted you to be like someone else he would have made you a clone. God’s desire is for you to be the individual He made you to be.

Peer pressure is constantly trying to force you into one particular mold or another. As someone has said, “Don’t be a carbon copy, make your won impression.” Refuse to permit others to pressure you into being someone you aren’t.

Your significance, or value, is in your individuality, not in your similarities to others. Companies pay a premium to people that can do what no one else can do. Determine to not be like the rest of the world. Refuse to be average. Seek to excel in all you do. Coco Chanel said, “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”

Keys to individuality:

Know your dreams.
What do you dream of doing or accomplishing? Make a list of everything you would like to do in life. If money were not an issue what would you pursue in life?

Know your talents.
What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? What seems to come naturally to you? The answers to these questions are indicators as to your God-given talents and abilities.

Know your passion.
What is it that excites you? What stirs your creative juices? What do you really love? What drives or motivates you to action?

Believe in yourself.
If you are going to be the person you were made to be you must begin to believe in your dreams, your talents and your passion. You must believe not only that you will succeed but also that you have the right to succeed.

Develop your abilities.
Take a class. Attend a workshop. Get a job. Do whatever it takes to maximize the development of your talents and abilities. Practice them over and over again until they are perfect.

Accept your individuality.
Be happy being you. You are a match for why you were placed here on this earth. You are valuable. You have significance. You were born an original, don’t die a copy!

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