Organize Your Time

Do you ever feel, at the end of the day, that although you were busy all day you didn’t really accomplish much? Do you at times feel like you are on a vicious treadmill, active but not going anywhere? Before you allow frustration to set in, and stop you, take control of your time.

You can manage your day. You can organize your time. Here’s how:

Identify your priorities.
Determine what tasks are really important to accomplish. What needs to be done that is in line with your overall purpose or objectives? What are your long-range goals?

Schedule your priorities.
Develop a timeline for doing the things that are important to your overall objectives. Refuse to get caught in the trap of doing the urgent instead of the important. Set aside a reasonable amount of time for each task of importance. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted.

Work from a daily “to-do” list.
Make a daily list of the things you intend to do on a given day. Although they take time to put together, lists are highly effective for being productive. Make a “to-do” list, everyday.

Prioritize the items in your list.
A simple plan is as follows: Put an “A” beside the tasks that are first in priority. Put a “B” beside the next most important tasks. Put a “C” by the least important tasks. Next number the “A’s”, “B’s”, and “C’s” according to which you need to work on first, second and so on. Example: A-1, A-2, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2.

Give prime time to prime tasks.
Do your “A” list when your energy and focus are at their highest. When you are at your best (this varies from person to person. Some people are morning persons and others are night persons). Do your “B” list when less focus is needed, and when you have finished what is on your “A” list.

Finish the “A” tasks first.
Focus on getting the highest priority tasks completed, before moving on to something else. The sense o accomplishment will give you the needed boost and confidence to tackle the “B” and “C” lists!

Cross off each completed item.
Each crossed off task is a sign of accomplishment and productivity!

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