Keys to Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is a much-needed ingredient for personal success. It is an inner passion that drives a person forward. Personal motivation comes from enthusiasm. Being enthusiastic about your project inspires others to become involved in what you're doing.

The ability to become, and stay enthused about a given project, vision, or idea, energizes a person. It causes a person to be motivated to action. It is a proven fact that people who are enthusiastic about what they are doing get more done. They are more productive because they enjoy what they are doing.

Being enthusiastic does not mean that you won't face difficult times. The fact is, regardless of what you are doing or desiring to do, you will face obstacles and adversity. Enthusiasm keeps you going in tough times.

The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek roots " en" and "theos" and means "God within." It is a fire, a passion within. Real enthusiasm is not something you "put on" and "take off" to fit the occasion. It is a way of life.

The following seven keys will help you be more enthusiastic.

Have a clear vision of where you are going and what you want to accomplish.

It is impossible to become or stay motivated without a vision. King Solomon wrote, "Without a vision, the people perish." Enthusiastic people are those who know where they are going and how they are going to get there.

Be totally committed to your vision.

Commitment to your vision is essential to enthusiasm. Many people fail in life, not because they don't have a vision, but because they are not committed to it. Robert Schuller says, "Irrevocable commitments that offer no loopholes, no bail-out provisions, and no parachute clauses, will extract incredible productivity and performance.

Focus on the end result everyday.

Stephen Covey says that one of the habits no successful people is "they begin with the end insight." It is easy to become distracted by the everyday problems and obstacles of life. Losing focus of the end result will frustrate you can cause you to lose enthusiasm. When you see your enthusiasm starting to wane, refocus on what you want to accomplish and where you're going.

See it accomplished in your mind’s eye.

Train yourself to see the job finished, by faith, before it actually is. Visualize how things will be when the project is finished. Strong faith, belief that what you're doing will be successful, is vital to being enthusiastic.

Talk about it.

Verbalize your vision. Notice that enthusiastic people usually talk lower and faster than people whom aren't. Become animated and passionate about your vision.

Go on a crusade.
What is your mission in life? If you could accomplish anything in the world, what would it be? Now, determine to do it. MADD was born out of a tragedy. A mother whose child was killed by a drunk driver used the tragedy as a springboard to launch a crusade against drunk driving. Her enthusiasm has motivated thousands of others to become involved in putting a stop to drunk driving. Untold numbers of lives have been saved because of her enthusiasm.

Hang around other enthusiastic people.

Enthusiasm is contagious. It rubs off on the others. Hanging around excited people helps to ignite your passion. Get away from negative people. Start associating with people that are successful. Allow their enthusiasm to inspire you.

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