Someone Is Looking For You

You are unique. You are important. You are qualified to touch someone’s life and make a positive difference. You have what someone else needs. It could be information. It could be a business opportunity. It could be a word of encouragement. It could be a product or service. Whatever it is, you hold the answer to someone’s questions and the solution to someone’s problems.

Try to wrap your mind around this truth. For some it’s a new if not almost foreign concept. Whether you realize it or not, you are a problem solver. Most people only spot problems. But you are different you solve them. Someone, somewhere, is looking for what you are uniquely qualified to solve.

Everything is created to solve a problem. Everyone is created to solve a problem. Every product and service is founded on this principle. Think about this. Chefs solve hunger problems. Doctors solve health problems. Dentists solve teeth problems. Lawyers solve legal problems. Personal trainers solve exercise and fitness problems. Mechanics solve automobile problems. Teachers solve education problems. Coaches solve motivation problems. Factory workers solve production problems. Ministers solve spiritual problems. And so on. Do you get the point?

What is it that excites you? What is it that angers you? What do you see around you that you want to help change? How can you help others solve the problems they are encountering? Your answers could be an indication of the problems you are created to solve.

You can’t fix everything wrong in the world. You can’t solve every problem. You can’t answer every question. Everyone won’t need what you have to offer, but somebody does. You weren’t born to be the savior of the world. But you were born to solve some problem. This one is one of the most liberating things I’ve ever discovered. It helped me become real. It set me free from what I’ve termed “The Messiah Complex.” It enabled me to focus on what I could do to solve the problems I am qualified to solve, and from trying to solve problems I’m not qualified to solve.

What would the world be like if we could all grasp this concept? I think the world would be a better place if everyone found their place and solved the problems they are qualified to solve.

Your life purpose may not be the same as mine, but you have one, and it’s important. It’s important to you and it’s important to others. Your talents, your skills, your strengths, your interests, your passions, your experiences, are all part of what makes you qualified to be a problem solver. Why not make the decision today to use what you’ve been blessed with to help others solve the problems they are facing in life. Someone is looking for you. They are looking for what you have to offer. Find them. Help them solve their problem and they will be eternally grateful!


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